Prayer for 9th Day of January Quotes and Wishes

Prayer for 9th day of January quotes and wishes to pray during the most special day. Everyday the prayer is not same and it depends on your wish which is you are praying. So here are those quotes which can help you in making prayer memorable.

Prayer for 9th Day of January Quotes and Wishes

• Please continue to keep her healthy and safe. I love my sister with all of me, please watch over and continue to bless her with strength, courage, and wisdom as she continues to guide others throughout the community.

• We appreciate the patience and strength you have shown as you heal from this accident, and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, this time of healing goes by quickly for your sake and for ours. We love you!

• Make my heart kind and open, help my family to be always in harmony. Bring peace into our house, our country, and all over the world. Be with us now, give us your help in difficult moments of life. Forgive me for my sins and for mistakes

• When everything is going wrong at work, you are the first one I want to text. When I can’t sleep and am laying in bed, I want to call you. You are my best friend and favorite person in the entire world. May God bless you with a prosperous year full of love and happiness.

• In the name of God; I swear that I’m going to be your only love and make you happy every day. I will love you, comfort you, and care for you forever. I pray that our relationship would grow in love and understanding with each passing moment, till they all become one with eternity.

• Your love is like a river, flowing into me. I am so grateful that you give yourself to me so completely! You fill my heart with joy, like the pounding of the waves upon the shore. I love the way you laugh and smile! Your joy is contagious and it’s impossible not to feel it too. You bring peace and happiness to all those around you.

• Dear Father, I thank you for the many good things you give me — the sun that warms me when I walk out of school and the more challenging maths problems I solve. Thank you for being with me always. May your love make me strong. Namaste!

• You know that I’ll always be there for you. Everything I do is for you. You’re my everything and I truly love you so much. It will never change.

• May the Lord continue to bless you with love, happiness, and joy. Today is neither mine nor your own; it’s a day of God’s making, a day made for loving each other. My prayer is that God continues to guide you in the right direction.

• Dear God, We need you. We are here today as a united family to celebrate the life of Lilliana. She will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her. For that, we ask that you bless our family and open our hearts to your comfort in times of sorrow and grief. In Jesus’ name I pray; Amen.

• If today were your last day on earth, what would you want to do? What people would you want to see? My prayer for you is that you answer those questions. I’m so glad I can call you my friend.

• Still, thinking about you after all this time? I am too. Hope this prayer helps me relax and find peace. Lord, please let my soul rest and allow my mind to focus on the beautiful things in life.

• I love you. That is all I know for sure. The rest of life is filled with anxiety, doubt, fear, and uncertainty…

• Heavenly Father, forgive me for my sins and give me the strength to withstand any temptation. I offer myself to Thee this day, to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. May the words which I speak, be pleasing in Thy sight. And may everything I do be for Thy greater honor and glory. For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen!

• From the day I met you, my life has changed. I feel truly blessed to have you as my wife and soul mate! You’ve made me such a happier person and our love has grown every year since. You’ve made us a family. I want you to know that your love means so much to me. I pray our love will continue growing in strength and depth for the rest of our lives.

• Prayer to God of shows his infinite mercy for the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) and for his Family. O, Allah! We are aware that you are the monarch of the Kingdom of Heavens and Earth, you created the dark and light, you formed it with your own power, you sustain your creation by your power. The eternal life belongs to you, and no one can oppose your word. You have complete control over everything.

• Lord, thank you for all this past year. For the bad moments and the good, they all make up a year full of memories I will carry in my heart. Lord, let this coming year be one filled with health and joy.

• Dear God, I have so much to be thankful for. My family and friends are my life, and I am so thankful for each day I get to spend with them. And I love my boyfriend too. I pray that we will always be as happy as we are now. Thank you for everything, amen

• Dear Lord, I thank you so much for a month of forgiveness and a year of grace. Please continue to provide me with the strength I need to overcome all that is holding me back from becoming the person you want me to be. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

• Father in heaven, thank you so much for the blessing of my sister. I know she is surrounded by you and her love for everyone around her is so appreciated. Thank you for giving this woman a passion to help others and thank you for giving her such a kind heart.

• Let your love be like the sun, radiant and warm without burning and touch everyone around you. Let your love be like the rain, soft and soothing without bringing pain or destruction. Let your love be like the wind: wild and gentle, always there to support you through any storm life sends.

• We just want you to know that all our thoughts and prayers are with you. The power of prayer is so profound and we believe in it. You will make a speedy recovery.

• May the Lord be with you and bring you peace. May the Lord give You strength and bring You blessing in the name of God, we pray.

• Let us pray. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom comes, you will be done, on earth as it is heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom and the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

• God, bestows upon me the strength to fight the temptations that surround me. Enable me to stand fast against all difficulties. Give me the wisdom to discern between good and evil. Guide me toward your light when all seems dark. And most of all, help me remember that you are always with me and I can depend on you in times of great trial as well as great joy. AMEN

• I want to wish you the best day ever today. You are my light, my life, and my reason for being. I will pray for you sweetheart and hope that God will give you all the best in this new year. Have a great day!

• My eternal and only love. I pray to you always. My Prince, Help me find a solution for every day and to cope with difficult situations. Protect my family from all evil spirits, good luck, and prosperity throughout the year.

• Dear God, please help me to be a better person today than I was yesterday. Help me to never give up on my goals and the dreams that keep me going. May you bless my family and friends who need it the most in their lives. Give me the strength to conquer every single obstacle set before me. I believe in you and your unending love for us all.

• I love you because you are my everything. I could never replace you, nor go back to the way things were before I met you. You have made my life better in more ways than I could ever explain.

• Dear God, I ask for prayer for my husband. He is having a really bad time. I ask that you give him a sign that will give him peace of mind. Show him what to do, and where to turn. Make him at ease, and prepared to move on with your plan in our lives. Let him know that we are more than capable of handling all the obstacles he faces. Please heal his body and soul. He needs your love right now more than ever…

• I am sending millions of prayers for you today, tomorrow, next week, and always more. I know that no matter what happens if we ask God for strength, He will give us the strength we need to go on. I Love You, Lord!

 Prayer for the Ninth Day of January Quotes and Wishes

• Oh God, take control of my life. I place it in your hands. I don’t want to run anymore because I know that you are leading and guiding me through life. You are the reason why I’m still here. Thank you for being a part of my life, and thank you for creating me. Thank you, God!

• Archangel Michael, deliver me from my fears. Help me to transcend beyond my lower self and enter into the light of higher consciousness.

• Do not fear. My Father is with you. If you do not believe it, then seek Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He is closer than you think, but you must ask Him to reveal His Self within your heart. Ask Him for His perfect will for your life; seek Him for a mission for your life; and ask Him to purify your soul so that you may enter the kingdom of heaven when you pass away.

• For all who ask, receive; those who seek, find, and to those who knock, the door will be open. For everyone who asks, receives; and all who seek, find; and “whoever” •knows••(is seeking), will find. And the one that KNOCKS, the door will be opened…

• We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

• Grant me opportunities to be an example of faith and service to others. Help me to refrain from answering criticism or questioning with criticism or judgment. May the strengthening power of your Holy Spirit come alive

• My thoughts of you are the supernova of my love. This new year will keep all the memories of our first date and the many great times we spent together. Always remember that I have loved you since the day we met and always will.”

• I look up to the night sky and pray for you. I hope that even though we are apart you will remember my love each and every day. I miss you more than words could say.

• I wish for an ever growing passion which is the greatest fuel for my life. May I arouse in you a desire which brings us closer to each other? May there be so much love that it overshadows all our fears takes away any doubt and makes our lives beautiful.

• My dearest friend, I just wanted to remind you that on this day last year I was a mess. My heart was bruised, my self-esteem was shattered and I felt totally unlovable. I prayed to God for someone to love me, for someone to see the beauty in me who wasn’t broken by others, who could accept all of my flaws and cherish them as much as my positives.

• I know that we have our ups and downs, but I will always be here for you. I pray to God that we never have the downs without the ups again. Keep our love strong as possible, and let nothing get in between it.

• Lord, thank you for the lessons I learned this year. Thank you for the blessings you have given me and the pain that has made me a better person. Bless my friends and family in this new year and help me to be a better man than I was last year.

• I pray for you, for your healing, and that you may find peace and comfort.

• As the brilliant sun shines on the world, so God shines his light on you. As the wind blows away thorns and thistles, so God blows away all your enemies. As the water washes away your sins, so God washes away all your sins. I pray that God will shine his love on you and keep you in his embrace forever. You are the most special person in this world.

• Let me raise my voice to give praise for the gift of your love and presence. I thank you for the strength and wisdom that you give to each of us. Help me to recognize the ways in which you guide and provide for me, inviting me to release my fears over the plans we hold.

• God, please, guide us. Help us to have endurance during this challenging time. Keep my family near me and help them through the year. Be with me as I go through my classes because I am worried that I won’t finish. Thanks for the support you have given me through the year. On your name be the glory forever!

• We thank you for this day, that we might reflect on all You have done for us. Thank you for new beginnings and for the excitement of what is to come. May we always be grateful for our Savior’s love. AMEN

• God, I pray that you would give me the strength to forgive and let it go. Let me always be grateful for what I have and not dwell on what I don’t have. Let me love my family and friends as well as I can. Lord, please guide me with your wisdom as I make decisions in life.

• Amazing and unforgettable memories of you will shine in my heart again and again. I love you and wish to see you back soon.

• Lord, I pray that you continue to bless my husband with your love and presence. Keep him strong and healthy and guide him as he travels through this world. Strengthen our marriage so that we may be a beacon of your love in this dark world. Thank you for blessing us with, who is such a good man!

• St Jude prays for me to get back together with my girlfriend. I love her so much and she won’t talk to me. I have tried over and over to talk to her and I cannot get her to read my messages. Please help us.

• You are my first thought in the morning and the last before I go to sleep. You fill my dreams at night, you are on my mind all day. You are forever in my heart.

• God, we bring our work back to you and ask that you would bless the rest of our days. We pray for good health for my mother, for the salvation of her soul. We believe that you can do anything and everything you want to in order to meet our needs. Let us remember that we are blessed whenever we feel your love surrounding us every day. Lead us in your way and give us courage. May we live our lives to the fullest for You and for others.

• Dear Lord, thank you for all of the blessings that you have given to me. Thank you for my health, family, friends, and most importantly thanks for my husband. I really appreciate the lovely time we spend together. Help him to take care of me. Please give us your miracle in this year to achieve one thing in our life. Thanks!

• Dear Lord, thank you for everything that you have blessed me with. You’ve blessed me with your love and mercy every day when I wake up. Thank you so much for my family, my loved ones, and my faith in you. You are truly a worthy Father.

• Prayer for the end of all suffering, the enlightenment of all beings, and the freedom of all beings from pain and sorrow.

• May your day be blessed in every way and filled with love and joy. God bless you, my dear.

• Dear Lord, please don’t let the heart of a person who loves you grow faint. Don’t let them wander far from you. Guide their way, be their strength and their very eyes. Protect them from harm and with your salvation draw them to your heart.

• Blessed are you, the Lord our God, King of the Universe. Your great love and compassion precede us always.

• Dear Lord, I pray that you grace my family, friends, and me with a safe journey this holiday season. I pray for those families who will be apart for Christmas and for those who have been parted forever. Keep us all safe in your hands, Lord. Amen

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