Prayer for 1st Day of January Quotes and Wishes

Prayer for 1st day of January quotes and wishes. A new start to the New Year is here! Millions of people are looking forward to spending more money and experiencing more fun in the New Year. With more things to do, it’s easy to forget a few important people such as your family and friends. The best way to stay connected to God during this season is by sending him prayers and quotes through social media.

Prayer for 1st Day of January Quotes and Wishes

• God, thank you for being with me and taking care of me this past year. Bless each and every one of my family members, friends, and people in need today. Fill the world with LOVE, PEACE, JOY, HAPPINESS! Let’s make the new year the best so far. I love you, God.

• Today is the first day of a brand new year. I want to thank you for all your hard work, faithfulness, and help that you have shown me. I pray for you to be bright, healthy, and blessed. Let this day be the beginning of a great year for you!

• I pray for friends and family in health and happiness. For peace and love to reign. For all our friends who are traveling this month and miles away from home. Your families, your health, and your happiness are always on my mind. I know that it will be a good year if we are all here at the end of it!

• I pray for the best in 2022. I ask for your guidance and protection, that nothing gets in my way of building a fulfilling and happy life. I want to improve myself be kinder to others, and experience love with someone special.

• Lord, we thank you for the new year. Help us to be more like Christ through serving others, forgiving our enemies, and being selfless. We do not want to lose the new life you have given us.

• Lord grant me the serenity to love you, the courage to always be true to you, and the wisdom to listen to you.

• Thank God that we have made it through another Christmas. Yet again, I count my blessings that you are still by my side. I love you so much and it shows in all the little things I do for you!

• Lord Jesus Christ my soul greets you. Lord Jesus Christ my soul greets you. In the Name of the Father and in the Name of the Son and in the Name of Holy Spirit, Amen. O Jesus Almighty Master help me who are lost, I am a sinner.

• Da Vinci said, “You do not fully understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” I’m positive God is the creator of everything, but I don’t think he’s my grandmother so maybe that quote doesn’t apply here.

• Prayer is the key that opens the gate of happiness and knowledge. Prayer is a mighty power that moves everything in the world, both spiritual and physical.

• Dear God, please help me and my friends to be the best writers we can be in the new year. Let us remember to appreciate our dear teachers for all the inspiration and encouragement they give us. Please remind us always of your love for us and may we offer it as a worthy response to you.

• I pray for your safety, health, and hope that 2014 may be a better year for all of us. I am sorry that I wasn’t there when you really needed me; I will not make the same mistake twice. You are special to me and I love you very much!

• I pray that 2022 will be the most amazing year yet! I hope that you get everything in life that you’ve always wanted, and I hope everyone around you makes all their dreams come true as well. I pray that all your wishes and dreams come true, and most importantly, I pray for the health and happiness of all those around you, including me 🙂

• Heavenly Father, Lord of Lords, King of Kings. The glory of the Highest. We come before you today to pray for our dear friend Prayer. We ask that you heal him, touch his heart and soul. Let it be God’s will. pray. Amen.”

• Let this first sunrise of January awaken in you the strength, courage, and determination to make a positive difference in the world. On this day let us commit to redirecting our thoughts towards higher goals and remember that we are not only here to live but also to leave a legacy.

• Thank you for guiding and protecting me through the challenges this past year. I promise to be more diligent in studying your wisdom, meditating on your promises, and concentrating on the things that really matter in life. On New Year’s day, I will start my new search for whatever it is that God has planned for me.

• Lord, You are the master of miracles, the Holy One. You alone can do what no other can do. Your power is infinite, your love great and your mercy all-encompassing. Thank you for waking me up today. I trust You to keep me alive this day and forever. In the lord’s name, I pray, Amen.

• Jesus, You are my everything always. Please look into the despair and hopelessness of my heart and grant the peace you bring. Thank you for your unending grace and love, I pray my life may continue to unfold in fascinating beauty and honor your name forever.

• Dear God, I pray for all those who are sick, who are suffering from pain and sorrow. I pray for the safety of the troops serving overseas, for their loved ones left behind, and for their safe return. I pray for forgiveness for my sins and all the sins of mankind. Let your will be done in this world as it is done in heaven. Amen

• I can’t wait to see what our future holds together. Thank you for just being you and loving me every day you are filled with so much courage and strength! I love you boo, forever and always!!

• Dear God, just a favor, if you could please give me a tiny little bit of your divine forgiveness and grace, I would be eternally grateful… Actually, I’ll ask for more…. Please don’t hurt me and don’t take me while I’m alive.

• Lord please have mercy on me and my family and help us have a Happy New Year, a blessed year, and whatever else you can do for us. Help me find ways to be well with my new job I just started and get settled soon and also provide me with an independent place that is affordable so I can be settled again in a place soon. Amen!

• Dear God, Please bless my boyfriend this coming year and all his endeavors. May he stay strong and healthy, may his beautiful eyes sparkle as deeply blue as the sea, and may his heart remain full of love for me. As I wish you peace, happiness, kindness, and joy, please grant that to him too.

• Gracious God, thank you for blessing me to be here. Show me this new year that you are with me and give me the strength to overcome my flaws and weaknesses. I pray that this new year brings a better life for myself and others around me. Through. I pray, amen.

• Today I start a new chapter. Continue praying for me as I will continue to pray for you in this new year and every day. May this new year be filled with blessings, and may God give us the strength to face whatever comes our way.

• May you be successful and find joy this New Year. I hope your 2018 is everything you hoped for.

• May you have a wonderful 2018! We’re looking forward to serving you.

• I wish you and your family a healthy, wealthy, and prosperous new year!

• Wishing you health, happiness, and prosperity in the coming year.

• We hope that this New Year brings you prosperity, wealth, happiness, and good health.

• To celebrate the start of a new year, let us take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage and support. We hope for your continued business in the future.

• The new year is here and we want you to begin it with good health, peace of mind, vitality, and joy.

• We are dedicated to your complete satisfaction. My team is working hard to provide you with the best products and services. You will get the best quality for your money.

• Congratulations! You have reached a pivotal time in your life! Since your birthday is a time for renewal and rebirth, we have designed an exciting and dynamic program to help you reflect, set goals, clarify your vision, prioritize, get motivated and make a plan for the future.

• Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be ready. You’re with me, and You know all my needs and desires. I trust You’ll fill each day with Your love, peace, and joy. Let my heart be sensitive to others, for though we know all about each other, we don’t know all about them.

• Lord, may we learn to forgive those who’ve wronged us and to stop doing self-injury. May we seek out help for the healing we desperately need. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

• God, we lay it all before you. Our year begins with us trusting in you to be our strength, our wisdom, and our safe place. We ask for your protection and provision and your guidance through each day as we try to serve you as best as we know how. All glory to you, God!

• The Lord is my light and my salvation; of whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; at whose presence shall I tremble?

 Prayer for First Day of January Quotes and Wishes

• Let this New Year be a prosperous one, full of blessings and joy. Bless my children, family, friends, and loved ones… Dear Lord thank you for guarding my life and keeping it strong. Amen!

• We cannot change the future, so let us not be burdened and anxious about it, for God will give us strength to overcome every obstacle. Today is what matters most, for today is when each of us must make good use of our time in order to move onward and upward.

• Please help me lose weight, stay positive, and make it through this crazy first day of 2014. Amen.

• Today is the first day of the new year. A chance to start over, a chance to do better. To love people, love ourselves, and make the most of life. Pray for our world and everyone in it to have peace, love, and healing. To stop fighting, killing, and hurting one another and find compassion and mercy.

• As the new year comes to begin, may your life be blessed beyond measure. To see you run after the best things in this world, and to know that you are happy is all I need for my heart to be whole and full. I hope you have a wonderful day and a very happy New Year.

• Dear Lord, I pray that you watch over my loved ones and myself. That you keep us safe and healthy through this new year. I pray that you give me strength to face the challenges ahead, I ask that you guide me every step of the way and bring forth goodness from each situation.

• And I celebrate our first anniversary today. We have a lot more to look forward to. Thank you for giving me 365 more reasons to love you. Here’s to many more years of you and I together!

• I pray to God that you can find it in your heart to be with me. I know it’s not easy and I understand that. But I just want to say that I care about you a lot.

• Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with another year of life. I pray that you help me to use it well, to love deeply and forgive quickly, to laugh often, and to feel gratitude in my heart. Help me cope with changes and know that you are always there when I call out to you.

• Please, Lord, Bless my family, friends, and me; keep us safe; warm us in our time of sorrow; show us happiness to brighten our day. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.

• Repeat after me: I am amazing, I am strong and I have so much potential. I can be anything and anyone I want to be. Today, I pray for the strength to push forward with my new goals and dreams. Today, I pray to be the best me that I can be.

• Lord, thank you for always being there for me. You’ve heard my prayers in the past and know the new ones, too. Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful family and my best friend. Thank you for bringing us closer to each other as days go by. Praying…praying…praying…

• I wish you a happy new year. May this new year be blessed with joy, love, and peace. May every day bring happiness to you.

• Dear God, Please bless me and let every day in this year be as happy as your blessing makes me feel right now.

• I have prayed for you every day since I last saw you. Please know that there is someone out there who loves you more than you will ever know…me I am praying for you to be happy and healthy.

• Let’s dream big and thank God if we achieve them. Let’s help those in need and make this world a better place. Let’s work hard to make our dreams come true, to touch others’ lives and make them happy. Let’s not surrender to the negative powers of this world because anger and rage bring destruction and hate does not solve anything.

• My God has been good to me. His mercies are new every morning and new every event of my day. I’ve been given a second chance to live and love. Today is in your hand, Lord – protect me always!

• I pray for all the health and happiness you could ever want. I pray that every day is a better one, that any sadness you’ve felt is replaced by joy. I pray for passionate love, for someone who fills your heart with amazing things. A love that grows stronger each day, one that brings happiness and comfort to your life.

• Lord bless me with love and compassion, patience and wisdom; to know that you are always with me, as I am with you. Lord, make all who see this heart full of healing and light. Help my family feel the touch of God’s love today and forever. Amen.

• You’re my rock, I know that no matter what, you will never leave me. With you, I feel safe and protected. The love that I feel for you is so strong that words could never describe it. You are the love of our lives and always will be.

• When you ask for a prayer, you open up a window of opportunity. The answers are up to God. I’m just being the messenger. All your problems will be solved by next year, the answer to that is YES!

• I love you. Not like they told you love is, and I didn’t know this either, not like the movies and songs describe it, not a simple childish thing, but a beautiful wild thundery dream. A hope that lasts forever, and grows with every passing day. I love you. Not like they told you love goes, with reason, nor rhyme, nor anything but a pure defined feeling that simply is.

• Lord, I pray that this new year is filled with laughter and love. I pray that you help me through the many challenges I will face. Please hear my prayer and others like it for this is my true wish for this New Year!

• Lord, the New Year is upon us and it is time to rise again to conquer all past battles, fill in my needs, bring higher self-esteem, guiding light, and strength. So help me God!

• Lord, I pray that in the new year I will grow closer to You and remember Your grace with every single breath. May my life be an example of Your love and mercy, that I may speak of Your glory always and hold fast to the Truth for which You died for me.

• Dear God, first of all, please let me say that I am writing YOU this note to THANK YOU for this past year!!!

• I’m grateful you are healthy, and I’m praying to God that in the year ahead you are also happy, safe, and blessed with wisdom as well.

• God, I come to you today in prayer, asking you to guide me. Lead me on the right path. Help me find my way, strengthen me, and bless me with your love everyday that passes by.

• When a new day begins, let us resolve to banish resentment from our hearts. What happened yesterday is gone forever; we cannot change the past, so let us not dwell upon it and make ourselves more unhappy.

• LET US PRAY: Dear God, I am a sinner and have sinned many times. But I have repented and now I ask you, Lord Jesus Christ, to forgive me. Wash me with your blood and make me pure. Make me the way you want me to be. Make me like you, Holy Spirit. Amen.

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