You Are My Home Quotes 2022

You Are My Home Quotes: With my life being crazy and sometimes sooo unpredictable, there are times that I miss my family. I might start wondering: when did they come in to my life? How did my life become so happy and fortunate? And why I am this lucky that they’re in my heart! Here’s some quotes about what home means to me.

You Are My Home Quotes

  1. You are my home, you give me life, you hold me close when I’m in pain and make me strong when I’m weak. You are the only one I want to be with.


  1. You are my home. You are my love, and you are my joy. I am so glad to be with you!


  1. You are my home, the warmth of your smile is all I need. The joys of your laughter are what I live for. Your touch fills me with peace. When you’re gone, my world seems so empty… but then, you return and everything is right again. There is a reason for everything in life, even the bad things…it’s just that sometimes these reasons are hard to see.


  1. You are my home, & I would give you everything I have.


  1. You are my home. I want to make it as comfortable for you as possible.


  1. You are my home. I will never leave you, and you will never be alone.


  1. I am a little bit more like home every time you smile. I feel like home when you are near me, through your eyes and through your voice. You are my home…


  1. No matter where you go, or how far you have traveled in your life, you are always my home.


  1. You’re my home and everything to me. I’m your place to be, your haven from the storm.


  1. Your home is your haven, a place of comfort and sanctuary. When you are not at home, I miss being there.


  1. I am your home, and you are my family.


  1. I am happiest when I am in my own home. I love this place, it feels like home to me and I want to share that feeling with you too.


  1. You are my home, you are my safety. I don’t have to explain myself or defend myself because I know who you are and that’s what makes you the most important thing in the world.


  1. You are my home. I’ll always be here for you.


  1. You are my home, my safe place. You’ll always have my heart.


  1. You are my home. Your love is the only place I’ve ever felt safe.


  1. You are my home. I need you, you give me life and meaning. You love me as no one ever has before. Your arms are like a safe harbor and your kisses my compass.


  1. You are my home, words cannot describe how much you mean to me.


  1. You are my home, in all the places I’m going.


  1. You are my home. My castle, my world, my everything.


  1. You are my home.


  1. Home is where the heart is. Home is where your friends are. Home is where happiness, love and memories are made.


  1. Home is where the heart is. When you find your home, it will attract all the people who truly love you.


  1. Home is where the heart is—and your heart is with us. We hope that you enjoy your stay as much as we enjoyed making it 👍


  1. Your home is a place of comfort, a place to rest your head and heart. It’s where you come back to, no matter how far away you are.


  1. Wherever you are, you are home to me.


  1. It’s not where you are in life, it’s the meaning of life that really counts.


  1. You are my home, even when you’re far away. Your love makes everything better, and I’m glad to be beside you again.


  1. You are my home. I love my life here. ❤️


  1. You are my home. In this world I live in, you are the only one for me.


  1. You are my home. I will always love you, even when I’m alone.


  1. You are my home. And I am yours. Together, we are one.


  1. You are my home. I came to you with nothing and am leaving with everything.


  1. You are my home. Your smile is a beacon that guides me through the darkness and back to the light.


  1. You are my home, I rely on you to be strong. You’re the reason why I dance every day.


  1. I’m a lot like you, I have a lot of questions. I’m looking for answers and trying to find my place. But you are my home, wherever that might be. You are the only one who understands me in all the ways that matter!


  1. When I am lost, you are my home. And when I am found, you are my home again.


  1. We were meant to be here, in this moment. You are my home, right where I am.


  1. I am your home. Wherever you are, I am with you. Whatever you do, I will be with It. You are my everything and I am yours


  1. Home is where the heart is, and home is always with you.


  1. Welcome home, wherever you are 🏠


  1. You Are My Home Quotes For Your #FamilyOfFriends


  1. You are my home, a place I can call home alike to be.  I am always ready to welcome you at my door with open arms.


  1. You are my home. And if I’m not happy, I’ll cry in my pillow, because it’s so hard to be away from you.


  1. You are my home, you always have been. I’m coming home to you


  1. You are the reason for my smile and laughter. You are my home, you are my life, you are my heart.


  1. You are my home, you are where I belong, you are my heaven on earth.


  1. You are my home. You are where I belong—where I flourish, where I start anew.


  1. You are my home


  1. I say these things to myself, but they’re true. You are my home.


  1. Never be afraid to be you. You are my home.


  1. Your heart is my home.


  1. Feel like you’re home whenever you’re near me


  1. A home is where your memories are made and a home is where we make memories #home


  1. In the face of uncertainty there is something that remains constant: your home, your family and your friends.


  1. When you’re in a place that feels like home, even the darkest times are bright.


  1. You are my home and I miss you.


  1. You are my home. The only place where I feel truly at peace.


  1. You are my home. You are the home of everything that is good and beautiful in me.


  1. I don’t know where I would be without you. You are my home, my family and my everything.


  1. I’ll be your home, you be my nest.


  1. If you feel like a home when you’re away, then that’s your home.


  1. Sharing the love of home and belonging with you.


  1. Home is where your loved ones are, and home is where you go when you need to recharge.


  1. A home is not a house, but my heart has always been this place. Home is where the heart is.


  1. I’m in a new place. I want to feel like home, but instead of feeling lonely, I feel right at ease!


  1. Home is where the heart is.


  1. There is no place I would rather be than in your arms.


  1. It’s a place of love, a place where I feel safe.


  1. I am a home to my friends, and a shelter from the storm.


  1. You are my home. Where do I belong? This is it. My place—my home. You are my home, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing and whatever is going on in your life.


  1. You are my home. Never leave me, never stay away… I’ll be waiting for you whenever you get back.


  1. You are my home. If you want to leave, then I’ll follow. If you want to stay, then I’ll welcome you with open arms.


  1. You are my home. You always will be.


  1. You are my home. Where I belong.


  1. You are my home.


  1. Find your home, and let yourself feel at peace. You are my home.


  1. Home is where the heart is. It’s a place where you can always find love, with your family and friends. ❤️❤️


  1. Home is a feeling. Home is where you feel safe and comfortable, where you can be yourself.


  1. We don’t just live in a house, we are home. #Home


  1. Wherever You Are, There’s A Place For You


  1. Tell me I’m not the only one searching for a place to call home.


  1. Home is where the heart is.


  1. Home is where the heart is. ❤️ -A.N.G.


  1. When you look around, you can see that everything belongs to you. When you love yourself, everything looks different.


  1. You are my home, you are where I belong, and I am where you belong.


  1. You are my home. When I am with you, all is right in the world.


  1. We are all here for a reason. To be loved, appreciated and appreciated in return. You’re my home


  1. You are my home, I will never leave you.


  1. Your home is my home, and your heart is my heart. You are my home, forever and ever.


  1. What makes me happy is that you are my home, because no one else can take your place in my heart.


  1. We all need a place to call home. Our memories with you are memories I will cherish for the rest of my life. So thank you for being my home, my everything forever.<3


  1. When you are my home, I feel safe. I can be myself around you, because no one else gets to see me like that.


  1. Your heart is a home for all of those things that you love the most. Your home is where the people you love are, and the people who matter to you most are always waiting there for you.


  1. We’re not just a place to live, we’re your home.


  1. My home is where I wake up and go to bed. It’s where I’m happy, sad, scared or depressed. It’s my arms, my heart and everything else that makes me who I am today. Your home is your castle. Guard it well, because no one should ever be able to break through the walls of what you create for yourself.


  1. Home is where the heart is.


  1. I’ll be there every step of the way to make sure you get where you want to be.


  1. You are my home, forever and always. You never went away and I’ll never leave you.


  1. You are my home. In the middle of the world, you’re perfect to stand.


  1. You are my home, where I want to be.


  1. You are my home, the place where I stay.


  1. Home is where my heart is. It’s where I’ve found peace and comfort. You Are My Home!


  1. I am at home in your arms,My heart is safe with you.You are my home


  1. When your home is a safe, loving place that you can always come back to.


  1. Your home is where my heart is.


  1. You are home. This is our space. You need to feel at ease if you’re going to be here.


  1. Home is where your heart is.


  1. Home is where my heart is.


  1. Home is where the hearth is, but home is where your heart is.


  1. I am home. I have no place else to go. I have found my true place in the world.


  1. To know you is to love you, to love you is to trust you, to trust you is to imagine your voice, and then imagine that voice singing my name.


  1. The house is my refuge. The friends who gather there are my family


  1. You are my home, you are where I belong. Every day is a gift and every night is a dream, but today is the best day of my life.


  1. You are my home, my hearth and everything I love. I am yours, I want you here with me forever.


  1. When someone says “You are my home,” you’ll understand.


  1. You don’t have to go anywhere else. You are my home, and it’s where I want to be


  1. You are my home. You can’t be here, but you’re never ever gone. ❤️


  1. You are my home. My whole world is within you.


  1. I am here for you to make you feel better, smile more and laugh more. I am here to listen to your problems and make them feel less burdensome. I am here for you to hold hands with you as we walk through the hardships of life together. You are my home.


  1. I love the way you look at me, The way you touch me. You are my home and always will be.


  1. I am not just a stranger to you; I am your home. Home is where the heart is, and wherever mine is, yours will be too.


  1. Thank you for being my home.


  1. We all need someone to lead us and make life worth living. I’m honored to be your home.


  1. Home is where the heart is. Home is where you feel loved, safe and warm.


  1. Home is where the heart is. Wherever you are, that’s home.


  1. Home is wherever you are with the people you care about.


  1. Home is where the heart is.


  1. You are my home. I am yours. We are one. I’ll always be here for you, because you are my heart and soul’s home.


  1. You are my home, my heart and my soul. I am so thankful to have you in my life


  1. You Are My Home. Home is where your heart will always be.


  1. You are my home, the only place I feel safely at peace.


  1. You are my home, the place I belong.


  1. Home is where the heart is. And you are my home.


  1. You are my home, you hold me tight and warm.


  1. You are my home and I will defend you with all my strength.


  1. You are my home. You are my refuge, and I will go to you if I am in danger, even though it is into your power to destroy me.


  1. I am your home. Your home is me.


  1. When you need to be reminded that home life is what matters most, these are just the right words.


  1. You’ve always been my home.


  1. I’ve been all around the world, but I’m still only coming home to you.


  1. Home is where the heart is.


  1. The home we build together is a shelter that may be small, but it’s safe and warm. It’s a base camp for your life. And what are you going to do? Will you defend it or abandon it?


  1. You are my home, where I feel safe and loved. You are my heart, which beats for you. I love you so much…


  1. You are my home. You are the place where I feel most at home, where I’m happiest and most comfortable.


  1. You are my home. I will always love you, and no matter where life takes us, I will always be here for you when you need me.


  1. You are my home and my world. I love you to the moon and back.


  1. You are my home, you are my world, you are my everything.


  1. You are my home, the reason I breathe and the reason I smile. You are who I am. You are my everything.


  1. You are my home, and I love you. ❤


  1. You are my home, the place I always long for.


  1. You are my home. You are the place where I want to be; where I’m meant to be.


  1. You’re my home, and I’m yours. We may be different, but we’re still us. 😃


  1. I will always be your home, wherever you go and whatever you do.


  1. Home is where your greatest memories happen.


  1. Wherever you go and whatever you do, I’ll be with you.


  1. We are all learning to be home in the most unconventional ways, and I am grateful everyday for this.


  1. Home: Where our memories begin and our stories end. 🏠 🏡


  1. Your home is where you hang your hat, but I wear it. You are my home, always and forever. #YouAreMyHome


  1. You are my home, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. ❤️


  1. You are my home. You are where I belong, where I feel the most at ease, and where I look forward to spending the rest of my days.


  1. You are my home. I want to be with you and only you.


  1. You are my home, where I go for love, peace and comfort…


  1. You are my home and I will protect you.


  1. If a day doesn’t include you, it’s not a good day. You are my home: no matter where I go, or what I do, or who I’m with, you are my home; your love is always the same.


  1. Your home is the place that welcomes you with love and makes you feel comfortable.


  1. My home’s where my family is, and my heart’s where you are.


  1. Your home is where your heart is.


  1. My home is where you are, if you’re not here, we’re not home.🌴✨


  1. This is my home. I love it here.


  1. I have a home in your heart, so why walk away


  1. The home is where the heart and soul are. Where your roots are planted, where you belong.


  1. I would rather be at home, warm and cozy than anything else.

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