Good Morning Sunrise Sweetheart

•Good morning! And also sunrises! Of course, why wouldn’t there be sunrise in the title? What brighter way to start your day than with a sunrise? Especially if instead of saying, “Good Morning, sweetheart” you could say “Good Morning, Sunrise.” Because it would help reinforce that beautiful imagery of the sun. good morning sunrise sweetheart, a good morning message that can be sent to your love before going to work.

 Good Morning Sunrise Sweetheart

 Good Morning Sunrise Sweetheart

• I want to say THANK YOU! I really appreciate all of the time we get to spend together. You are my rock and my best friend. I am lucky to be in your arms and wake up next to your cuteness every day.

• Please trust me when I say it hurts me too not being able to wake up with you. I love you so much and please believe that my thoughts are only of you this morning.

• Now that I have met the one woman for me I can truly say I am complete. You are my best friend, my soul mate, and the love that will light my way till the end of time!

• You were always on my mind when I was far from you. I dream about you every night, that we are together and I feel you touching me. It makes me crazy when you unbutton my jeans. On a side note, I hope that the weekend finds you well.

• I want for nothing because you’re always by my side and you give me everything I could ever dream of having.

• Without a single touch or a single word, you have me feeling intoxicated. And as I sing this song of unspoken appreciation for you, it comes to me… how utterly meaningless my life would be without you in it.

• I hope one day you will feel what I am feeling inside of me because that is the only way I can truly express how I love you.

• I have something special to tell you this morning but first I want to say that every time I see you, even though you are smiling back at me, there is so much more that goes unsaid.

• Thank you for giving me your hand and your heart to hold on to through good times and hard times…through wind and rain…Through Summer nights and Winter snow, I will always love you.

• Your smile is the moon that shines brighter than any star for me. You bring color to my life, you give me something to believe in.

• I hope that one day you change your mind about me but until then I will just love you from afar :

• A thousand more mornings have I woken up beside you, but still can’t fathom the depth of my love for you. Sunrise sweetheart I will be yours forever and we are forever in love!

• You make me uneasy, you make me laugh, you make me smile, and you’re always there to comfort me when I need you. I love you more than words could ever express.

• You make every day an adventure for us. You are the most loving and caring person I know and it’s because of that that our future will consist of only happiness and laughter!

• From the moment we first laid eyes on each other, I knew that you were the one. I’m never letting you go!

• You have shown me what true love is and all that I can hope for in a relationship. You give me so much joy and happiness, my heart skips a beat when I see your name pop up on my phone or computer. Good Morning!

• Thank you for being there and showing me that real love can exist. I am so happy to have found you – forever!

• You are the air that I breathe and simply put there is no one else but you. You mean everything to me and there are no words to express the depth of our love.

• Since that moment I have been thinking of you and how lucky I am to be holding you right now in my arms. Everyday I am grateful to share my life with you and love you even more.

• I so enjoy our little moments together, like waking up and reading your love notes for the day. You are my best friend, lover, and soul mate! Thanks for making me happy!

• Good morning, sunrise sweetheart! I think more of you everyday. The sun brings light and your love brings joy.

• Your love has made me a better person and I’m so glad God brought us together! I wish you all the happiness in the world and the hope that your dreams will always come true.

• I can’t wait for us to be together and for all my dreams to come true. Good morning my beautiful girlfriend…

• It’s your kisses that make me weak in the knees, and your touch that makes me weak in the heart. I love you, sunshine. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! I can’t wait to kiss you and hug you today!

• I love you with all of my soul and all of my heart…and I would be the luckiest man in the world if you were right here next to me.

• good morning sunrise sweetheart, I love you, and will you marry me, you are the nicest person in the world…. love u baby

• Good Morning Sunrise Sweetheart, how are you on this fabulous Thursday morning? I hope that you had a great night and if not, one with me will do the trick.

• I love you and I can’t wait for the future when we can be together again. I imagine feeling your kiss on my skin, seeing your smile every morning when I wake up, and knowing you’re mine forever. Good morning, sunshine.

• Good morning sweetheart. I hope this message will cross you in a good mood, even after the bad news that I can not be with you today.

• Good Morning Sunshine! You make me so happy! I love you a ton, and I can’t wait to be with you today. Let’s have a great day!

• Good morning to my amazing boyfriend. I so look forward to having you in my life. Your smile lights up my world, your love makes me so happy. You make each day better, and you bring new joy to my life. I love you!

• I love you my heart, I really really really do. Before I met you, I was just a shell of a man, wandering around hollow and alone. You showered me with joy, love, and affection.

• Hello! How are you? Hope all is well. I miss you so much. All I am thinking about is your beautiful smile that lights up my whole world and shining eyes. I hope that we will meet soon again.

• I love you because when I think about how lucky I am to have you in my life a smile grows across my face and I feel like the luckiest man alive. You are the most incredible woman on this earth, and I will never let you go.

• Life is an adventure and I wouldn’t have it any other way. In you, I found my soulmate, my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, the love of my life.

• Your presence is enough to set me on fire, and once I feel burning embers of desire aglow within me… I realize that I am powerless over my love for you.

• Good morning, sunrise sweetheart. I love you most when the sun is rising. I love you completely, without question and without pause. I am lucky to be your own, to have your kiss upon my cheek and your touch that always seems to calm me.

• To My Sweetheart, I love you, I always dream about you. Thanks for being my morning sun. I love sunrise and nightfall because that’s when we talk on the phone, I want you to be my sweetheart forever.

• Good morning my sunshine. Wake up and open your eyes because I want to see those beautiful, beautiful blue eyes of yours.

• Sunrise, you are my sweetest sunrise. I cannot breathe without you. You are my everything and my world. You are the sun that lights up my day.

• Every time I wake up and see you lying next to me, I fall in love with you all over again. You make every day seem exciting and new, and I can’t wait to spend forever in your arms.

• My darling, this one is for you. Every time I see the sunrise, I couldn’t help but think of you. You are my sun in my day, I wake up happy every day, thinking of your face, and feeling your love around me. You are my everything, I love you!

• I’m in love with you, and I don’t know how to stop it. Morning, noon, and night you are my thought because of how much I love you. Here’s another wish to end the night… May all your dreams get answered, but mine is always “I’ll be loving you.”

• Looking at you makes my heart leap with joy. When I hold you in my arms, butterflies fill my tummy. Every morning I wake up next to the love of my life and every night I fall asleep with a smile on my face. You’re mine forever!

• I wish I could be yours and you could be mine. I feel comfortable around you. I’m so glad that you are in my life, We think the same way about things.

• I know the road has been rough at times, but I wouldn’t change anything. YOU are my dream, my rock, my heart and soul, my forever girl, and I am honored to call you mine! I love you more than words can ever say.

• I love you, sunrise sweetheart. Good morning to the most precious person in my entire life. There is an ocean of love swimming inside me everyday just thinking about you.

• Good morning sunshine! You’re always so cheerful in the morning. I don’t know how you can do it. A kiss for waking up with a smile on your face, and a hug to let you know I love you.

• to my sweetheart every morning when I awake and see you there, still lying peacefully asleep beside me, I feel as if the sun has risen just to shine its beautiful light upon you to show you how truly special you are.

• Sunrise doesn’t need to be shared, because it will be there each morning that follows. I won’t need this note tomorrow, but that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t wait to see your beautiful smile and kiss you good morning.

• You are the sunrise in my morning. You are the one who brightens my day and puts a smile on my face. My heart is so full of love for you that it overflows my every action.

• Wake up, sunshine. Time to rise and shine! I wish I could be there with you, but at least we have the “morning phone call”. I love you so much and can’t wait to spend forever with you.

• I never loved before I found you. I never thought I deserved love before I held yours in my heart and in my arms. You were the answer to a prayer I didn’t know I was sending.

• I love you more than I could ever put into words. The way that you make me feel is indescribable; I love every inch of your body, mind, and soul.

• I want you because I love you. There is no better reason than that.

• Good morning, my sweetheart! I wish you reach your good morning sunrise goal. I love and miss you so much.

• Good morning. I love you more than words could express: Since the moment we met, I have never been able to imagine my life without you in it. You are an amazing man that expresses his love in words as well as actions.

• Good morning sunshine! Thinking about you keeps me smiling all day. Please know how much I love and adore you always. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. May this day be the best in your life.

• I search for you in the morning sunrise. I find your glowing smile and gaze into your eyes. You warm me from inside out and you fill my world with love, joy, and excitement.

• I can’t wait to see your gorgeous face. You look so adorable when you sleep that I could just bury my face in the blankets next to you until you wake up. I love you and want to be with you forever.

• I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you. You are the first person that comes to mind when I wake up in the morning and the last person who crosses my mind before I fall asleep.

• You are so beautiful to me. Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I see is your beautiful face. I love you much more each day than the day before and everyday you show me that you love me more than I deserve.

• You are my world, my goddess, my everything. When you wrapped your arms around me I was complete and I knew that love was real and so were you.

• I just want you to know how much I love you. When we met all I wanted was your friendship, and now here we are my best friend, soul mate, and lover!

• The sun rose this morning like a glowing red ball on the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant shades of red and orange.

• You are the only one that keeps me breathing lately. I have a full smile everyday because of you. You are my will to live, my muse, my home.

• Good morning sunrise sweetheart! Have a great day and remember that I have the best BOYFRIEND in the world! I love you and will miss you!

• Good Morning Sunshine Thank you for another day. Love You

• My heart thrills with delight, like a lovely dove taking flight. On this special night, I long to share in your dreams. Good Morning Darling!

• I love you and I’m so thankful that you are the woman of my dreams. I can’t wait to spend another day with you. Good morning!

• I want to tell you how much I love you, but the words are not enough to express the feelings I have for you. You make me feel so good like nothing else can. I will always be here for you and love you more than ever. I love you!

• I wanted to tell you how much I love you! I just want to hold your hand and kiss you. You mean the world to me. My life is so much better with you in it. Thanks for being my partner for life.

• Today, I would like to let you know that I love you and want to be with you for the rest of my life as your husband. Whatever problems we may face, together we will work things out. No one and nothing can ever change the way I feel about you.

• The feeling of warmth down in my heart I’m giddy with excitement, I can’t keep quiet. It’s not lust, just pure love for you. I promise that there is nothing in this world that we can’t achieve as a team!

• Good Morning Sunshine, I love waking up to you every day. You make me so happy, and I love making you just as happy.

• I enjoy watching the sunrise because it brings me closer to you. Every morning I see it and I see you, knowing I get to spend another day with the most beautiful girl in the world.

• I want nothing more than to see you in the morning sunrise. It’s your smile that lights up my day, your eyes that sparkle like diamonds, and your hair that shines like gold

• A day begins with you in my thoughts. And to end it more I wish the morning sun is one to start a day again and again. Good morning, my love!

• Good Morning Sweetheart, my Beautiful Angel. Have a Great day today. I’ll always love you more with each passing day!

• This is a truly beautiful way to wake up your significant other by simply telling them how you feel. You can also write this on their coffee cup for an even more personal touch!

• Good Morning. I love you more than you will ever know. I feel like the luckiest woman alive to be with you.

• I watched the sunrise this morning, and I couldn’t help but smile. I am so lucky to have you by my side, every day is a better day because of you. I love you!

• It is the first day of the rest of our lives, and I am happy to spend it with you. Good morning my love – it is another beautiful day!!!

• You’re my hand in the darkness. You’re my light when things are rough. You’re the only woman who can take my breath away and make me have butterflies at the same time.

• I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.

• I love waking up with butterflies in my stomach because I get to see your gorgeous face. All I want is to keep holding your hand and be your man for as long as possible.

• You are my sunshine and my sparkle in the rain. From the way you smile at me, to the things that make you laugh, everything about you is perfect to me.

• Good morning sunrise sweetheart. My good mornings and nights at night with you are the best days of my life. Here is a song that reminds me of you and our greatest times together. I LOVE YOU more than you could ever imagine.

• Good morning beautiful girl. I want to tell you how much I love and appreciate every single thing about you.

• Good morning beautiful. I am so happy to spend this day with you. I hope it’s filled with sunshine, kisses, and cute puppies. I am glad that we are in each other’s lives. You have made me a better person, and for that I’m grateful.

• I love you to the moon and back. You are my sunshine on a rainy day and my smile when I am down. You are my world and I want to spend forever with you. I love you!

• Life without you isn’t worth living. You are my sunshine, the very air I breathe, and the beat of my heart. Being in love with you is pure bliss. I adore you, I cherish you, and care for you deeply and forever, just as long as you do the same for me.

• You are the best thing that ever happened to me! I love you and I can’t wait for you to come home tonight. I have a surprise for you :) I hope you like it!

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