Apology Paragraph Copy and Paste

Apology Paragraph Copy and Paste: We all make mistakes, whether it’s forgetting an important meeting or accidentally offending someone. When we do mess up, it’s important to take responsibility and apologize. However, sometimes we struggle with finding the right words to say sorry. That’s where apology paragraph copy and paste come in. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of using pre-written apology paragraphs, as well as offer some tips for crafting a sincere apology. Whether you’re apologizing to a friend, family member, or colleague, let’s delve into the world of copy and paste apologies.

Apology Paragraph Copy and Paste

  • I’m sorry that I’m late in writing this. For I never wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. Foolishly, I was afraid that you might break my heart. Now I feel silly for having waited so long. All I know is, I love you and I always will.


  • I miss you so much. I am so sorry. I know that I broke your heart, and I regret it every day. I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me, and allow me the privilege of being your friend once again. You are a wonderful person, and I want nothing more than to have our friends set things right between us.


  • Sometimes I hurt you without meaning to. Sorry for not being more patient and understanding of how you’re feeling. I can get carried away sometimes (it’s called ADD ironically). It’s not easy for me to apologize, but I feel it is necessary for this situation. I want to change my ways, so please forgive me. I will love you forever and always.


  • I am so sorry. I was wrong and I want to make it up to you. I’ve never had a more wonderful girlfriend than you. I could go on forever about how much I love you, but instead, I hope that soon you can forgive me, even if you don’t forget. Only time will tell if we can pick up the broken pieces of our relationship. Yours after all!


  • You’ve won me over. You have successfully captured my heart. I’m yours and you’re mine. Always and forever. I love you with all of my beings, and there is no one else like you. You are my everything. Thank you for comforting me through the hard times and for making me laugh during the good ones. Your love is true, your heart is strong and your soul is kind. You have a sacrificial heart and a giving spirit. These traits make you stand out from


  • I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you lately. I still love you and care a great deal about your happiness. I know things have been hard but I want to do what’s best for us. I need you to know that even though we’ve had a hard time, my love for you hasn’t changed at all.


  • I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry that in my life, work has to come first. I’m sorry I gave you the cold shoulder last night and this morning. I just need to get something straight in my mind: I don’t want to lose your friendship over something so stupid. Even if that means not having a romantic relationship at all, which would kill a part of me.


  • I slapped you across the face. I made you feel worthless. I didn’t give you the attention you needed. I am so deeply sorry. The last few weeks have been hard and I haven’t been myself. Going forward I promise to always be there for you and treat you better than anybody else.


  • I am so incredibly sorry. I know I hurt you and that’s not my intention. You mean so much to me and I would never want to upset you. When I am with you I forget about everything else and just love you as best as I can, but too often our world gets in the way. We don’t have much time together lately but please know in my heart that I always want to be with you, even if it means for a few minutes a day.


  • I’m sorry for being so stubborn. It’s hard for me to admit my mistakes and being wrong gets to me at times. I’m too prideful and maybe a little old-fashioned, but I do a lot of things that are out of habit now. Please know that even though I have a lot of bad habits, you have been nothing but good to me and I don’t want to lose that. You mean the world to me and I don’t say it enough. Thank you


  • I’m sorry I didn’t wash the dishes, mop the floors with bleach, cook your favorite dinner, bring you your coffee, and rub your tired feet better. I won’t do it again. Not only that, next week I promise to make you a chart that shows how many times during the week you did tell me you loved me. I could be wrong but it sounds like you’re saying I don’t hear it often enough. So for next week, if we each say it 6 times a


  • I’m sorry for doing a bad job at work and being late for meeting you. I hope you can forgive me.


  • I want to say I’m sorry. I want to apologize for all the hurtful things I’ve done to you, said to you, and the way I’ve acted toward you. I know that words are sometimes not enough, but I love you and it kills me every time I see hurt in your eyes.


  • You and I have had our ups and downs, and I am sorry for all of my wrongdoing. Know that I love you with all of my heart and soul, and nothing could ever change my mind. If you have any doubts, just remember that I have killed you! Okay, maybe not really — but that was a nice way to get your attention!


  • I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you, and I never thought that you would be this angry with me. You are my best friend, and I love you very much. Words cannot explain just how sorry I am for everything. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you and prove that our love was real.


  • I’m sorry for all the pain I have caused in your life and that of others as well. I hope that you have a wonderful day today and that all your troubles will be washed away by the affection of those you love. I’m glad that you are a part of my life and I am blessed to know you. It’s people like you who making me proud to be alive.


  • You were right, and I shouldn’t have doubted you. I’m sorry.


  • I am so sorry for not getting my homework done, son. I feel terrible about it though. But it won’t ever happen again. I promise that you’ll always get your homework done on time from now on.


  • I am so, so sorry for what I did. I was wrong, and I know it. But I can’t express how sorry I am, just that I truly am sorry. My actions hurt you and destroyed everything we had. I don’t even know if you’ll read this or not. You probably hate me forever and that’s something I have to live with because it’s my fault you’re upset.


  • I am so sorry I hurt you in the way that I did. That isn’t any way to treat someone you love and care about. You have been nothing but supportive of me through my struggles, and have never judged me for them. You truly are one of a kind and I’m lucky to have you by my side.


  • I’ve thought about what you said and I was in the wrong for what I did. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me even though I know that is going to be a difficult task. Things may get rough but I promise to fight through it with all my strength. If you just give me another chance, I won’t let you down this time. If any of this sounded good to you, just tell me and we can work something out.


  • I haven’t been the man that you deserve. I am so sorry for everything I’ve done. I do care about you and love you so much, but I’ve acted differently. Things have been hard on us lately, but please don’t take it out on me when things go wrong. I am trying my best to do what’s right for you, and your son. I feel like we can be better than ever. We have each other, and a whole lot of love. Let


  • I’m sorry. I just plain out suck. There’s no excuse for the way I treat you and make you feel unwanted. I try to be better every day, hoping things will change and that you will stay with me. Just know that whatever I do, however I act, it is because of you. You are my world and my life.


  • I am so sorry for my actions. I never meant to hurt you and I wish there was a way to make it up to you. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. I love our together time every day, and I look forward to many more with you. Please forgive me!


  • I know my last note to you was harsh and hurtful. I am so sorry for being such a jerk. I love you with all of my heart and soul, I promise to be better in the future.


  • I’m sorry I let you down before and I’m so glad we worked it out. I am so lucky to have your love and support. Thank you for being my best friend and the love of my life!


  • I’m sorry for causing you pain, I should have been there to support you, and I should not have let my problems cause you more stress. I’m sorry for all the fights, the complaining, and all the late nights away from you. You are everything to me and I love you from here to the moon and back again.


  • I am not a perfect person, and I make mistakes every day. But this is NOT a mistake. From the moment I met you my life changed. You have been there for me through so many ups and downs, and without your love, support, and friendship I don’t know where I would be today. You are the most loving, caring, honest, and beautiful person I have ever known. You always treat me like royalty and make me feel loved every day. Nobody else could ever love me like


  • I’m sorry for how I acted. It was wrong. I hope you can forgive me, because even now when I look back on it what I did was still so stupid and wrong…


  • I’m sorry if I hurt you. I never wanted to cause you any pain. I truly hope that you believe me when I say it’s the last thing I ever wanted. You are so special to me and I wish I could take back all the times that I made a mistake. All the fighting and arguing are over, we both deserve so much more. It will never happen again, I promise.


  • I don’t know why I did that. I just hate myself. I hate the way I look and the way I am. You deserve so much better than me and you are right to leave. I hate myself so much, if you aren’t happy in this relationship then it is what it is.


  • I’m sorry. I will never do anything like that again. I hope you forgive me. I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed about work and other stuff when it happened, but I still reacted the wrong way and for that, I am truly sorry. I hope the future brings you health, happiness, and a lot of love!


  • I know it’s been a long time since we talked. I haven’t been myself for the past few months and I’ve damaged the little trust we have left. All I can say is that it has taken me a long time to realize what I have in you and what a fool I have been. You’re the only one that truly knows me, even down to my darkest secrets. Everyone else thinks they know who I am, but they don’t know half of it. I hope


  • I miss you. I can’t wait for our date night on Friday. I know it’s awful that I made you worry but don’t worry because I am fine, just a little under the weather. You’re a great boyfriend and snuggling with you is the best feeling in the world. Do you want to watch a movie later?


  • I am so sorry, please forgive me. I have never wanted to hurt you, I love you so much . . . . .


  • I’m so sorry for all that I have done. I honestly believed that this would be the end of us, but you showed me how wrong I was. You showed me that the love between us is so strong it can conquer any obstacle. You have saved my life and made me a better man. Thank you for saving our relationship, without you I wouldn’t be a writer this note even exist. My darling thank you.


  • I can’t tell you how much I miss you. My heart hurts knowing we’re apart. I am truly sorry for hurting you and for being such an awful boyfriend. I want to make things right between us. I love you and I will never let your love go again.


  • Sorry, I never said, sorry I didn’t show. Sorry that I let you down, Sorry that I made you frown. Sorry if I wasn’t perfect, Sorry if I never tried. Sorry ’bout everything else that wasn’t right… But most of all, my love, I’m sorry I was so selfish and blind And didn’t see the perfect girl right in front of me…


  • I am /very/ sorry for what I said. I was wrong and extremely hurtful. You mean the world to me and my feelings were out of line and you didn’t deserve it. My love for you is so strong that I will never do anything to damage or break it.


  • I am so sorry for hurting you. You are my world, I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you more than anything and I hope we can move past this bump in the road.


  • It was stupid to ever think that we were through. I am so sorry for hurting you and making you sad. I don’t know why I was so stupid but now that I realize my mistake it will never happen again. I love you my darling and I want us to be together forever.


  • I apologize for the way I’ve been. I know that I can be a handful at times and it’s hard to handle, but I am so glad that you do try. You make me a better person every day and you are my life now. You are so amazing and it’s all I can do to put into words how much I love you.


  • I am so sorry. I let you down. I was wrong and I know it. Every day I think about it because the thought of hurting you cuts me deep in my heart.


  • I’m sorry. I know I don’t say it enough. I’m trying to be better about that, but sometimes I just get caught up in everything and the only thing that stops me is you. I want to make you happy, to take away your pain, I just wish I knew how.


  • I am so sorry about your loss. I just wanted you to know that I will always be here for you and if you ever need anything please let me know. The memories that we shared of him are still so clear in my mind and I hope they never fade. He was an amazing man who loved you so very much. I hope that no matter what, you know that he loved you every second until his last.


  • I am sorry and I regret the things I did. I wish I could go back in time and fix my mistakes. If you can find a place in your heart to forgive me that would be amazing. Love, Future Husband.


  • I love you so much. I know this apology doesn’t mean much after all I have done. But I need you to know that I am truly sorry. You are the best thing that has happened to me in my life and I don’t ever want to lose you. I will do whatever it takes to prove myself to you.


  • I’m so sorry for how I acted today. It was wrong of me to talk to you that way. You know I don’t mean it, and I love you so much. Please forgive me.


  • I am so sorry that I haven’t been the best boyfriend ever. Maybe I wasn’t as attentive as I could have been. Or maybe I failed to make you feel appreciated. Whatever the reason, know that I do love you. And I do want to spend my life with you.


  • I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you and that I let you down. I am sorry for the pain that I have caused you with my selfishness, lies, and poor decisions. You deserve so much better than the person I have become. You bring me so much joy and happiness and there is nothing in this world that could ever change the way I feel about you. Please forgive me…


  • I never meant to hurt you. I know that nothing I say or do will ever make up for what I did but, I want to try and make things right. Of course, I can’t take back the words that were said, but I can promise you that it will never happen again.


  • I love you. What we have is something truly special and I never want to lose it. I honestly thought everything was okay between us until the other night, and I want to apologize for my actions the other day. I’ve never seen you so upset (and it scared me) and that is not how I wanted you to remember our anniversary.


  • I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. You probably don’t think so now but I do love you. I just have a hard time expressing it sometimes. I hope we could still be together. If not, then I understand your decision.


  • Sorry, I have been so distant lately. It’s not you, it’s me. I have been so wrapped up in things that I haven’t had much time for you lately. I hope you forgive me and we can get back to having some fun soon!


  • I’m so sorry. I am. I was not myself and it was a cruel thing that I said. Please know that when I said it I didn’t mean it. I was upset and angry and hurt and wishing for some dramatic thing to happen.


  • I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you. I know that should be my job, but right now it’s hard for me to facilitate being a good boyfriend, a good friend, and human being all at the same time. It’s not your fault we haven’t spent much time together lately. I hope that someday soon we can go back to the way things were before my life got complicated by work and other people. Because I love you and don’t want to lose you in my life,


  • First I want to apologize for not being there when you needed me. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been without family or friends. You were put in a very bad spot, but all you could do was take care of Robyn and let us help. I know that things were really hard, and it’s my fault that you had to go through something like this. It pains me so much when I think about what that must have felt like and how scared you might have been.


Copy and Paste Apology Paragraph

  • I’m sorry I made you upset. I know I was wrong, and I shouldn’t have said whatever I said. I love you with all my heart, and could not survive without you. I apologize for my actions and hope someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me.


  • Dear Pam, There was no good reason why I did what I did. I’m sorry. Forgive me? Love, John. P.S. I miss you, call me.


  • Hey Babe, I’m sorry. I know there is no excuse for the way I’ve treated you these past few weeks. I know I’ve hurt and upset you and for that, I am truly sorry. Can you ever forgive me?


  • Baby, I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier today, I was stressed and taking it out on you. You didn’t deserve that. I love you so much & will never stop apologizing for my mistakes. I’m just not the man you deserve and I promise to be better. You are perfect in every way and should be treated as such, please forgive me.


  • I’m sorry ___, I know you must be SO hurt that I never said  ‘I love you’ back. but I was scared, I didn’t think that I felt strongly enough to say it and so after a while, I started saying it back without meaning it. I hate myself for doing that to you.


  • I miss you. I need you. I want you and it’s killing me inside to be without you. But I know that I can’t have you the way I want, and deep down inside my heart, I know that if I could, it wouldn’t be right.


  • I’m sorry for being an idiot and fighting with you. People say that I have no tolerance but it was just frustration over you. Your little quirks annoy me, but somehow only makes me love you more. I don’t even notice them anymore. I miss your smile and the way your eyes glisten in the sunlight.


  • I can’t believe how rude I was last night. I apologize for being so ugly. I hope you will take me back, and be the love of my life because I would hate to be lonely and use women for sex.


  • I’m sorry. I’m not that great at writing paragraphs, but I’ll do my best to explain myself without it sounding like a big excuse. Not hearing from you left me in a bad place. I didn’t know if you were upset with me or if there was something wrong. I am sorry for not realizing you were playing hard to get and ignoring you on purpose (at least at first). I should have been more patient and waited for you to contact me. All I want is to


  • I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, that was never my intent. I have been in an emotional fog since I saw your face last, but today is a new day and I feel great! I hope the same for you and I am ready to move on and put this behind us. Forgive me?


  • I’m sorry for being a jerk. I didn’t mean to hurt you and make you cry. I just get frustrated because things between us haven’t been going very well lately and the stress gets to me sometimes. As a man I promise that I will try harder, but in return, you need to match me with your positive energy.


  • I apologize for acting like a jerk the other day. We’ve all been there…buying a gift for someone when something better and cheaper is right in front of you, so you go with that instead. I guess we’ve all been guilty of petty theft before, but this time I was stealing feelings. Instead of buying those earrings, I should have bought your love. I know now it was wrong, and I’m sorry.


  • I can’t believe the idiot I am in the same guy you share your life with. Please forgive me, I’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I don’t want to lose you and I’m so sorry that I screwed up. If you allow me one more chance, I will cherish it forever and never screw up again.


  • I’m sorry!! I didn’t mean to yell at you. I was just upset… I love you very much. Please forgive me.


  • My dearest Stephanie, I can’t believe I said all those mean things to you. I miss you and wish we could just go back to the way things used to be. All I can do is apologize and hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you so much and always will. Sincerely, Chris


  • Hey baby. I’m sorry I was a jerk yesterday. It’s no excuse, but my boss is a real jerk and took all my good work out because she’s a real jerk. Anyways, I’m with you now and I’m really really really sorry.


  • I’m sorry I haven’t written lately, it’s been hectic and with so much going on it slips my mind. I miss you and can’t wait to see you again. I love you.


  • I’m sorry, I’ve been such a jerk lately. I can’t seem to stop getting mad and not saying what I feel. Please let me make it up to you by taking you out tonight. I want to spend some time with you and show you how much I care. Love you lots!


  • This is the hardest letter I have ever had to write. I never thought I would have to tell you that it’s over between us. As you know, there are many complex reasons for this decision, which I will get into shortly. I don’t know why our relationship didn’t work out; I’m not sure if it was timing, distance, or just a lack of chemistry. Whatever it was, I wish today’s email didn’t have to be written.


  • I know I’ve said this a million times before but I need to apologize to you. For the past year and a half, our relationship has been in the toilet. Everything we have ever had is now shattered into millions of little pieces. I am so very sorry for what I have done, but most of all, thank you for breaking up with me.


  • Baby, I’m just not as good at saying these things, as showing them. When I get frustrated or annoyed with things and I don’t say what is bothering me, you must understand that I am doing my best to deal with it in my way. Please bear with me and show some patience from time to time.


  • I hope you don’t mind but I feel like you’re the only person I can talk to about this. Every day I wish we were back together, I still see your face in my dreams. You mean so much to me, and I’ll miss you always.

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