Amazing Paragraphs to Send Your Girlfriend

Amazing Paragraphs to Send Your Girlfriend: When you want to tell your precious one how much she means to you and express your endless love, nothing is more touching and concise than a paragraph. Sending her cute paragraphs to tell her how much you love her is a good way to add more spice and passion into the relationship.

Amazing Paragraphs to Send Your Girlfriend

• I am lucky to have you in my life. You inspire me every single day and I want to grow old with you.

• I want to spend every day for the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me and how fully I cherish you. I love every inch of you from your head to your toes, inside and out.

• I love the way your kiss tastes and how your body feels pressed against mine. I will never get tired of saying it…I love you so much!

• I know our love is one in a million, a friendship so strong that will never fall apart because with you at my side there’s nothing in this world I can’t do.

• You were sent from above as a treasure I will always cherish. I love you from the bottom of my soul!

• I want to be around you all the time, even if it’s just watching you sleep, or sitting with you at a party. I love how easy is to talk with you, how we can just chill and share our thoughts and experiences.

• That there is no greater feeling than knowing you are really wanted. I can’t believe how lucky I am. Remember, I love you more than anything in the world.

• I love your eyes, your smile, and the way they light up when you see me. I love how tightly you hug me when we’re together, and the way you kiss my forehead when we say goodbye.

• You are everything I ever wanted, needed, and more. The only thing I want in this world is to show you how deep my love is for you baby.

• You make the world so much brighter just by being in it. I promise to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us together.

• My heart beats with happiness whenever I get to see you. As we spend our lives together, I just want to thank you for giving me so much joy.

• Thinking about how lucky I am to have found you and to call you mine is almost overwhelming. I never knew it was possible to be this happy.

• The thought of ever losing you is too much to bear, I can barely stand to be away from you for even a moment.

• I want to kiss every inch of your soft skin and make long passionate love to you on the beach in the moonlight under the stars for all eternity. My life was black and white until you came along and turned it beautiful!

• I love you with all that I am and I hope that one day you will look back at this moment and remember the first time someone told you how much they loved you.

• I love how lucky I am to be loved by someone as kindhearted as you – your smile makes me want to stop whatever I’m doing just for you.

• I feel it in my bones when I see your face when I hear your voice, but mostly in my heart. I love the way you make me feel like the most important person in the whole world.

• I will love you no matter what. Know that I care more than you could ever understand and know that with each day we together I fall more in love with the person you are.

• It sucks that we can’t hang out every day, but when I look at pictures of us making goo-goo eyes at each other, it reminds me that we ARE meant to be together.

• Your love is something that I can’t live without and never want to lose. I miss you fiercely when we are apart and long to be with you every second of the day.

• You are everything I could have ever wanted and more. The joy that you bring me is unmatched. You have changed my life and made me a better person.

• With every ounce of my being, I want to thank you for all that you do for me. Your love is pure and unconditional. You are my one and only and I’m yours no matter what!

• You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met, inside and out. I hope I can make your life as happy as mine is when we’re together or miles apart.

• I know that we don’t always get along, but I want you to know that you mean the world to me and I would never trade our friendship for anything in the world.

• You are beautiful and amazing and being around you makes me so happy. I never thought I would find someone like you and I am so glad I did.

• You are the one thing I fight for every day no matter what. No one makes me feel as good as you do and I will be forever grateful to have you as my wife.

• You inspire me to be the man I want to be, to do everything I want to do, because of all you’ll go through with me. You are my world…my reason to live.

• Thank you for being you and never stop being that amazing woman I fell in love with! I love you, baby!

• It was hard for me to find love and now that I have it, I never want it to stop. You mean everything to me and words can’t explain how much I love you. I love you, babe!

• The fear of losing you is paralyzing. How on earth did I get so lucky to find someone like you? You are the love of my life and every day feels like a dream with you. Literally, nothing makes me happier than when I’m with you.

• A thousand miles can never conquer the heart. A thousand smiles can’t replace it. A thousand tears can hurt it, but it still remains, only a heart can break.

• It’s almost impossible to find the right words. I love you so very much, you make me a better person, you bring so much joy into my life and every day spent with you is MY BEST DAY EVER.

• I feel so lucky to have found you, every day makes me smile. I can’t wait for the next 7 years, being your wife is a dream come true. My heart will always be filled with love for you, my princess.

• You have been there through thick and thin and I will never forget all of the ways you continue to inspire me. Your smile is brighter than any star in the sky and your laugh cuts like a television commercial.

• You are quite possibly the greatest person on earth and that needs to be known. You are so sweet, funny, and caring to everyone around you and I would like to take credit for that 🙂

• You have changed my life in ways I never thought possible. I love the way you smell, I love the way your clothes feel on my skin. Every night before I sleep, and every morning when I wake up, I can’t stop thinking about you.

• You are everything I have ever wanted in a partner and more. You deserve to know how amazing you truly are and I promise to show it to you everyday.

• I had never felt so free and happy like everything was perfect at that very moment. It was amazing, and it’s been amazing ever since!

• My days are so much better when I get to spend them with you. I couldn’t be more proud to call you mine.

• I will always love you. You are my life and my world. Without you, I feel like nothing matters at all. You bring happiness to me and the people around us. I am so lucky to have all of your love. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

• We’ve been through a lot together and I couldn’t be more grateful. From our first date to this very moment, my love for you only continues to grow stronger. You make me dream again and I am so blessed to have you in my life.

• I love you. I’m sorry I don’t say it enough. I just never seem to find the right words to tell you. You are the most beautiful person inside and out.

• I am hopelessly and completely in love with you. You’re my soul mate and the other half of my heart.

• I would rather die than live without you. You are my everything, my love, my life. When I am with you I can’t think of anything else but loving you and making you happy.

• Every morning I wake, to see your face, gives me all the energy I need. I love making you happy, and seeing your smile makes my day.

• I am so lucky to have you by my side. How the wind must envy my heart when it feels the warmth of your love for me.

• I feel like I have known you forever. You are so familiar to me and yet I am always discovering new things.

• A million reasons why I love you. A million ways I need you. A million times my heart breaks when we’re apart. A million troubles melt away when you’re near. And a million dreams that always do come true. From the moment when I heard your name to everything it will be, I know with all my heart, you are the one for me and me for you.

• I can’t imagine my life without you in it. All my love, forever and always.

• I LOVE YOU! I learned that there is no magic in the world like the magic of caring, of sharing, of knowing that someone belongs to you and that you belong to them, too.

• How I love thee… Let me count the ways. I love you for making me laugh, but even more so for making me smile. I love you for standing by me, but especially for being my shoulder to cry on.

• You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. You bring me so much joy and light into my life. The way you love me is overwhelming and I am so lucky to have you in my life.

• You are my first and only true love. I never thought I’d find such a wonderful girl, a girlfriend like you.

• I love you more than anything and I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my everything and the one thing that makes me smile every day!

• I’m sitting here tonight trying to find the words to express how I feel about you. I love you so much that it takes my breath away.

• I love the way you look at me when we lay down to sleep. I love how you hug me so gently. I love how you whisper you love me and kiss my tears away.

• Today is the day I want to tell you how much you mean to me. You are my world and every second spent with you is like paradise.

• You are incredible. Your love is intoxicating, and life with you is so fulfilling. I am forever yours, every part of me, every breath I take, every beat of my heart. You are everything to me.

• You were worth the wait. You were worth giving up my bad habits for. You were worth giving up other girls for. You were worth coming back to. And finally, you are most definitely worth loving.

• Baby, I love you so much. Where do I even begin? Saying ‘I Love You is an understatement.

• Whatever happens in life, wherever life takes us, whatever may come our way, know that I am always here for you.

• I’m going to count my lucky stars each and every day for the rest of my life because I found you. You are an extremely rare being, sweet and true, who has made me a better person. I love you and I can’t wait to grow old with you.

• I MISS YOU! Cliché, yes. But seriously I miss you like crazy. It is HARD spending time away from you and I really don’t like it.

• I know it’s not conventional or traditional but I love you, I have fallen in love with you and there is no going back.

• You make me feel so happy inside. My heart skips a beat whenever I hear your voice. You are my dream come true and my everything. I love you endlessly!

• Baby, you are simply the best girlfriend in the whole world!! There’s no one else I’d rather spend my time with.

• I just had to tell you to know how much I love you and appreciate you. You are without a doubt my best friend.

• When I look into your eyes, I know that true love exists. This all feels like a dream, but I don’t want to wake up!

• You are the love of my life, the most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!

• You make me tremble with joy every time we touch, which is a lot these days. I can’t express the to you just how much I love you. You are my everything, my whole world.

• You are the love of my life, my reason for being. There is no day where I don’t think about you. You make every part of my day better and I want to be with you for every part of it. Every waking moment, every quiet moment, every sad moment – I only see you.

• I love you with all of my heart, body, and soul! I just can’t imagine my life without you.

• As the years go on I grow more in love with you! I can’t imagine my life without you in my arms at night or making me laugh every day. Thank you for lighting up my life and being my best friend. You are a blessing to me and I love you.

• You are the reason I love you so fiercely, the one who gives me courage. You bring out the very best in me and I can’t help but feel surrounded by all you give.

• I fell in love with you the moment I got that first text from you. I think it’s your attitude, your drive, and your goals that make me so attracted to you. From that day to this I can’t picture my life without you.

• I love you so much, my darling girl. I am so in love with my beautiful, smart, and sexy girlfriend. Every time I think about you and our future together my heart flutters. Each day I fall more in love with you.

• Hey baby girl I’m always going to love you, with all my heart. You have given me a reason to be happy again and I will cherish that forever.

• I have such strong feelings for you, and it terrifies me absolutely. I feel so strongly about you that I am afraid of losing you.

• It is my greatest honor and pleasure to be with you. Your every action amazes and overwhelms me. I love you with all of my heart and soul, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

• I love you more than a fat kid loves cake. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will be forever grateful for our time together. You are the love of my life, my all, my everything.

• I really love that you’ve found me. I feel so lucky that you stuck by me and didn’t give up on us when others would have. You’ve opened my eyes to so many things I was too blind to see before. Thank you for loving me the way you do, it’s truly a gift from above.

• I love you today, yesterday, and all of eternity. I promise that I will be here for you through every season. This is my vow to you. I will cherish you and our love forever.

• There are no words that are enough to describe how much I love you.

• My love for you is like the roaring sea in a turbulent storm. It remains constant yet ever changing with its waves of deep, dark blue back and forth from happiness to despair.

• We’ve been through so much but you have my heart and I will always love you. Come hell or high water, our love will last forever.

• My dearest girlfriend. I know you are probably wondering why I’m writing this, especially since we just saw each other yesterday. But the truth is that I’m having trouble expressing how much you mean to me.

• I love you! I don’t say it enough. My feelings keep growing with each passing day. You have had the greatest impact on my life and it’s all thanks to your beautiful soul.

• I met you a few years ago and everything has been an adventure ever since. I never dreamed that I would be as happy as I have been with you next to me, ready to face our world together.

• I want you to know that my heart beats faster when I hear your voice. Every time I hear it’s your birthday, Christmas, or some random day, my mind is flooded with thoughts of what I can do to make you feel extra special.

• I am so in love with you. You are my world, my heart belongs to you. I would move mountains and swim oceans of tears just to be with you. Every day that passes by I fall more in love with you.

• Normally I’m not one to say “I love you,” because I feel it’s a bit overused. That is until I met you. It was like the moment our eyes met that I knew I wanted to tell you every day for the rest of my life “I love you.”

• You’re the bravest girl I know. You put up with me when I need space, you never give up on me, or us, and you teach me something new and breathtaking every day. I love you more than the world and that will never change.

• I am forever yours. Every fiber of my being belongs to you. My soul is tethered to your sparkling soul in a way that neither time nor distance can change. There are not enough words to express how much I love you, but for the rest of my life, I will try.

• If someone were to ask me how I knew that you were the one for me, I would just smile. The truth is, I knew on our first date. I knew when you grabbed my hand across the table and then gave me a kiss goodnight.

• You are my teddy bear, my heart, my life, my love. I love you so much, more than you could ever imagine.

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