80 Sweet Text Messages For Your Girlfriend

80 Sweet Text Messages For Your Girlfriend: Many women are quite fond of texting and some even prefer to text over talking. These women not only include girls but also famous celebrities. It is fun to send text messages to your girlfriend, however you must be careful while choosing the right words so that she enjoys reading them. This article is all about 80 sweet text messages you can send to your girlfriend.

80 Sweet Text Messages For Your Girlfriend

  1. When I’m with you, nothing else matters to me. You are the most important thing in my life. I cherish the moments we spend together and miss you when we’re apart. I can’t wait until the day when I can wake up next to you forever, but till then… I love you always


  1. I love you. I really love you. I’ve been falling so deep into my feelings for you that I can’t even remember who I was before. You are the best thing to ever happen to me and I feel like a renewed me when we are together. When you hold me in your arms it feels like heaven, your kisses make me melt. You fill my life with such happiness, sweetness, and love that it’s almost too much to handle. You make my heart overflow with joy,


  1. I LOVED every minute we spent together and I can’t wait to continue what we’ve started. You are a beautiful person inside and out. I will cherish every moment with you for the rest of my life.


  1. I’m so glad I met you. I can’t imagine my life without you. I break out in a smile whenever I think of you and miss you desperately when we’re apart. I dream of how our lives together will be and it’s better than I ever imagined. I LOVE YOU!


  1. I love you. You are amazing. I really do love you from the very bottom of my heart. I just can’t help it—it’s impossible for me to stay away from you.


  1. I can’t stop loving you. I love every part of you from your eyes to your toes. I miss you so much when we are apart, and seeing you smile is the best feeling in the world to me. I cherish every moment we have together and don’t ever want to spend a day without you by my side. You are my wife and the reason the sky is blue.


  1. I am so thankful for you and the love we share. You are my best friend, lover, my partner for life. I will always come back to you as long as you promise to never go anywhere without me!


  1. I love you, my darling. You’re every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had. You’re my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.


  1. Baby, I am your biggest fan because you are my life! You are my soul mate and the love of my life. You are perfect because there is no one else like you in this whole world. You make me happier than anyone ever has or ever could. I wouldn’t want to spend forever with anyone in the whole world but YOU! I love you to the moon and back and a million times over again!


  1. I think of you, My love, while I am busily moving through my day. Thoughts of you cross my mind, Briefly touch my heart … and then I smile. Just to know that you are in the next room.


  1. Everything I do is because of you. You motivate me to be better and be happier. I love how you chase your dreams, how you inspire me by your ethic, and how you encourage me to live the life I want…I will always be here for you, forever.


  1. There are no words to describe how much I love you. I only hope that I can prove it for the rest of my life. You are everything to me and I want to spend forever with you.


  1. I would find a way to make it happen. I will choose you everyday. I wouldn’t trade one day with you for anything in the world. I can’t imagine waking up to anyone else. I hold your hand in public and kiss you on the lips softly because everyone should know of our love. I want everyone to know how much I adore you!


  1. Hello my angel, I miss you so much. I wish I can be with you. Just the thought of holding you in my arms, kissing your lips makes me smile. When we are not together, you are all that goes through my mind.


  1. I love you. I love you from the deepest parts of myself. You are everything to me and I can’t imagine my world without you. I CAN’T WAIT to see where this relationship takes us, but for now just know that I am so in love with you!


  1. I know that we have our moments and maybe things aren’t perfect. I would like to think that we could just be happy, though. I want us to be happy together. We’re never going to agree on everything, but as long as we love each other, that’s all that matters to me. So don’t ever stop loving me, okay? I love you so much!


  1. I love you. I really really love you. And I will never stop.


  1. Every time I close my eyes I stare at you in my mind. To me, you are everything. Thank you for being here with me now and always. I love you so much!


  1. I love you more than words can possibly say. I love you beyond compare, and I will always be there for you. Your beautiful heart is what gives me life, and your sweet smile makes me happier than anyone else ever has or ever will. I care about you more than anything in this world and would do anything to make sure you’re happy. I love you so much.


  1. The best part of my day is when I get to call you. Every time I hear your voice or see your name on my phone, I get butterflies. You are everything I wished for and so much more. I love you, baby.


  1. So let me be straight with you. I love you, I’m crazy about you, I adore and appreciate you, I need and want you in my life. You are the best girlfriend I could have ever dreamed of having.


  1. You’re so amazing; I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. You bring out the best in me, and I’ll always be thankful for that. Knowing you has made me into a better person, and every day with you is a blessing. You’re my everything, and I hope to spend my life making you as happy as you make me!


  1. I’m falling madly in love with you and I don’t want to stop. You’re the reason I get up in the morning, you’re my first thought when I wake up and the last thing on my mind before I go to bed. I love you, will never stop loving you and can’t wait for what the future holds.


  1. You are strong and I am so glad that we are always there for one another. I know we will succeed together. I just want you to know how much you mean to me. I love you with all my heart.


  1. I think about you every second of the day. There is not one time that I don’t think of you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever known besides the fact that you are the most loving and caring person to me. I really do love you and your family!


  1. I love you so much, in the beginning I never thought I would. You have changed me, and we have grown together. I love that you are a part of me. I love that you are my girlfriend, and one day soon, my beautiful wife.


  1. It’s almost overwhelming, how much I love you. Every day I fall deeper and deeper for you. You irritate me sometimes, but I still love you. And that’s a good thing.


  1. You are my best friend, the love of my life and the mother of my children. Thank you for everything! I love you!


  1. For some people, expressing their feelings doesn’t come naturally. They are hesitant to open up and put everything out there, even when it comes to their relationship. Other people have no problem at all saying what’s on their mind. No matter where you fall in that spectrum, there is one thing you need to work on if you are currently in a relationship: being more emotionally open.


  1. I have something to tell you. I’m in love with you. I know that it is really soon, but I couldn’t keep the truth from you any longer. I hope this doesn’t scare you off, but I can’t be without you. You are such a special girl to me, and now that I’ve found you I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want nothing more than to treat you like a princess every single day of your life.


  1. I love you so much! I would do anything for you. You are my true love, one and only. You’re the girl of my dreams, the woman of my life, the best thing that will ever happen to me. I will always love you more and more.


  1. You make me happy. I like it when you’re happy. I love you for so many reasons, but mostly because I want to be one of the reasons you smile.


  1. When I think about you my whole world starts to shine, because when it comes to you all I see is gold. Everything since the day we met has been a wonderful surprise, even the bad parts have been good.


  1. Babe, it’s been months but I still can’t get you out of my head. I think about you constantly. You’re amazing and I love talking to you! Thinking about our next date!


  1. I love you. I really do. I could sit here for hours trying to describe all the reasons why, but it doesn’t matter. You make me happier than anyone else ever has and I can’t say that to anyone else but you. I trust you, and that’s not easy for me to say either.


  1. You are everything to me. I love you, I want to be with you, and please be with me forever.


  1. I love you more than ice cream! I love you more then chicken noodle soup! I love you more than chocolate cake with extra frosting on the side. I love you more then orange juice in the morning! You are my everything and I would give anything to make you happy 🙂


  1. My day feels empty without you, my heart aches with sadness because I know there is a world out there where you don’t exist and that not only am I bothering the people around me but the entire universe. In those moments I see clearly that without you in my life it just wouldn’t be the same.


  1. I was meant to be with YOU. I love YOU more than life itself and wish everyday that I had met you sooner…or closer to my heart.


  1. Tonight I got to thinking about you, and it made me smile. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Everything that I want, need and desire you are. Time with you is always my favorite part of the day. Your smile makes my day better than I can even imagine. And your laugh is music to my ears. You make me incredibly happy and I just wanted to tell you that.


  1. My love, you are everything beautiful and wonderful in this world. I would spend all my days basking in your radiant smile, searching for the hidden depths of your passion-filled eyes, and adoring every last inch of your luscious body. You have taught me so much about myself, you’ve seen me at my worst and loved me anyway. You are the one thing that I have ever truly wanted, needed and worked hard to earn. I will love you until time and space end


  1. I love you so much. I wish I could be with you all the time. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to always put you first, because that’s where you belong!


  1. You have no idea how much I love you and how much you mean to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can’t imagine my life without you.


  1. I love you beyond words. You are the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me. I can’t wait for the future with you!


  1. Every single moment I spend with you is a moment I cherish. I truly love you to pieces, baby girl!


  1. I’m not just in love with you, I’m so in love with you that I can barley breathe. Saying that I love you doesn’t even describe how much I really mean it.


  1. Darling, I cannot imagine life without you. I love to wake up and know that you are beside me. I love the way your hair tumbles down your shoulder when you lean in to kiss me. With every touch of your skin against my own, my body is filled with warmth. My freedom is gone when we are not together, for I am a prisoner of this love for you.


  1. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I am crazy about you and want you to know that. Hope you had a great day, sweetie!!!


  1. I think you’re beautiful, gorgeous, adorable. I love the way your ears perk up when you’re concentrating. I love how smart you are and how it shines from within. I love the way that you are always interested in what I have to say, whether it be about my day at work or about a movie I saw with my friends last night. I love the way that even after not seeing each other for a few days, we can just pick up right where we left off. I


  1. I love you so much I can’t breathe when I think about you. You’re the most beautiful person that I have ever met and even when we aren’t together, you’re always on my mind. I hope to make you as happy as you make me!


  1. Just thought I’d tell you that I love you and am so lucky to have found a man as amazing as you. You are the most beautiful woman in the world and I can’t wait to spend forever with you!


  1. I never thought it was possible to feel this way. I never believed in love at first sight. but there is something about you that just draws me in. I’ve never met anyone like you. You are unique and perfect in every way. You ignite the deepest passion within me, the flame of our love just keeps growing and growing with each passing day. I know we’ll be together forever and nothing could make me happier than that. You deserve the world baby and I’m going to make sure


  1. You matter so much to me. I never thought my heart could feel for one person what it does for you. You are the love of my life, my best friend, and my soul mate. I can’t describe how special you are to me in just a few words! I am so lucky to have you by my side.


  1. You are truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you and care for you beyond words. You make my life complete, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of it with you.


  1. It’s so true that love is blind. I do not see how gorgeous you are, but everyone else does. Your beauty is not just skin deep, you have a big beautiful soul as well. You were put on this earth to make me happy and I love you for it.


  1. I love you more than anything!! You are my world! You are my life! Without you would be like nothing! You make me happy, and that’s all I need. I LOVE YOU!!


  1. I love you so much. I don’t see myself loving anyone else like I love you. You make my life complete, in ways that I can’t even explain. Without you life would be cold and lonely, but with you my life is magnificent and full of sunshine. You take my breath away.


  1. My love for you grows everyday and if it were possible, I would give you the stars. You are the sunshine that melts my heart and the moonlight that guides my way. I love my sweetie pie with all my heart and soul.


  1. You are the one I want to build my world around. You are the one I want to spend my days with, the nights, and all the days in-between. You’re someone that makes me feel like a better person just because you’re around me.


  1. My love for you is like that of the stars…..infinite! I look forward to seeing you everyday and taking care of you. Your smile makes my days so worthwhile!


  1. You are a wonderful woman and I love you to death. I am so glad I have you in my life! I can’t wait to spend more time with you in the future. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be able to get through the day without a smile on my face. You are an angel sent right from heaven and I am so grateful to have you by my side.


  1. I LOVE you. Don’t ever forget that. My life is amazing because of you. Thank you for being my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate.


  1. Never in my life have I ever been more sure of anything else, than the fact that I want to be with you forever. You are my one and only. You are the reason I smile, laugh and feel alive. You complete me in every way possible and there is no one else I would rather be with.


  1. A million times I’ve said it before, but the words just don’t do you justice. You are my love, my life, my everything. The only thing that keeps me going each and every day is the thought of being with you each night. I love you more everyday!


  1. The greatest gift you can give someone is the feeling of being loved for who they are. And I have all of that, and so much more, thanks to you. I love you.


  1. Between the two of us, we can accomplish anything. If I had it all to do over, I would still choose you. You are my reason for living and making everything worthwhile.


  1. I love you more than anything, I look forward to being with you every day. I don’t know how I got so lucky. I just want to take you in my arms and kiss your lips; making your toes curl and fill your heart with passion. You are amazing!


  1. I am so madly in love with you, every time I look your way my heart skips a beat. I would do anything for you, baby. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re the girl of my dreams.


  1. I love you more than I can explain. I feel a true connection to you that only makes me realize just how much I love you. You are everything we’ve ever wanted, and we need to appreciate what we have because you’re truly one of a kind.


  1. I love you so much, baby. You’re my angel and my world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you – growing old and wrinkly together. Happy Valentine’s Day!


  1. Hey Beautiful, I want you to know how much I love you.


  1. I am madly in love with the most incredible woman on earth, the lovely [her name]. You make my world brighter and happier, I love you darling.


  1. I’m madly in love with you and don’t want to be with anyone else. I want to grow old with you by my side. You are my world, my everything. There is no place I’d rather be than in your arms.


  1. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love your smile and the way it lights up a room, I love your laugh and the way it fills me with joy, I love your eyes and the way they look at me. I’m glad God brought you into my life and gave us a chance to be together.


  1. Baby, I love you. I don’t know what you did to me, but I can’t live without you anymore. You make me feel like I’m complete. I just can’t stop thinking about you baby; you’re all I wanna do. Your love is dangerous to my health baby because it makes me want you even more.

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