Motivational Quotes for Son Graduating College

Quotes for Son Graduating College: When your son graduates from college, you want to say all the right things. From congratulations to wisdom and humor, our collection of quotes from famous authors and celebrities will help you get started! These quotes will help you celebrate the occasion of seeing your son graduate from college. We can all use a little inspiration or encouragement Quotes for Son Graduating College once in a while.


Quotes For Son Graduating College


Quotes for Son Graduating College

• The most amazing son in the whole wide world. You make me so proud of you every day. I will love you forever and always. I wish I could freeze this moment in time. Happy graduation, I love you, my son!

• Your son has grown and graduated from college. As you sit here with him, you can’t help but think about your time together, all he’s been through, and all the memories that you two have made. He’s a grown man now, but boy, does it make you feel old!

• To my son, I cannot even imagine what words to use that would have a thousandth of the meaning that I feel when I look at you. In my heart, there is so much love for you. In our family of origin, there was a lot of sadness and pain.

• I had a great time going to your graduation today. I was so proud of you, and I couldn’t have been happier for you. It’s amazing how much you have grown since I brought you home from the hospital all those years ago.

• What makes me the proudest of you is that you have grown into such a thoughtful, caring, and responsible young man. You make me extremely thankful that I am your father and blessed that God allowed me to raise such a special boy

• You’re the best son a father could ever hope for. You always made me proud, and I will forever be in awe of everything you have accomplished. I love you so much, son.

• Hey little buddy – I was so emotional when I saw you walk across the stage – knowing you were going to a new chapter in your life. As much as I want you to stay my baby, I know letting you go is the best thing I could do for you.

• You are stronger than I could ever hope to be. You have grown into a fine young man, and I am so proud to be your father. I know this day is bittersweet for you, but I want you to remember that you are never alone in this world. You have your mother and me always, but most of all, you have yourself.

• Your graduation day is a day filled with so many emotions as you stand at the edge of your child’s future. You’re filled with pride, joy, fear, and possibly some jealously all rolled into one. As you prepare to send your son off into the world, I hope these “words of wisdom” help give him guidance in the days ahead.

• I have no words to express how proud I am of you. You did it! You made it through all four years with flying colors, and now you’re a graduate! That’s right, in just 18 days you will be walking across the stage taking my breath away, and becoming a world leader. Congratulations my son, I love you so much!

• I love you, my son. I know that the last four years have been a little crazy and I couldn’t be more proud of the man I am turning into right before my eyes. You started college as a scared, nervous kid who thought he had no idea what he was doing, but you grew up to be a confident young man who knows that life throws you curves…but it’s up to you to hit the ball back into play.

• I can’t believe you are graduating! I remember when we went to a high school dance together and I told you then that you were the one. Well, looking back I was right because we have been through thick and thin together, and you are still the man of my dreams.

• You are one of the most loving, caring, and compassionate people I have ever known. From the moment you were born, it was evident how much joy you brought to our lives. I look forward to being your Dad for many more years to come.

• When you first came into our lives, we had no idea what to expect. At first, we were a little nervous about the whole thing, but now that you have grown into this amazing young man, we couldn’t be more proud of you if we tried. It is hard for me to express how much joy and love you have brought to our lives.

• I’ve always thought of you as a son, so I hope that makes you happy. I’m so proud of all you have done and have accomplished. You have worked hard to get to this point and are ready to take on the world now. As your dad, I am so proud and happy for you. I wish you all the best with everything in life!


Graduation Quotes From Parents to Son

• Dear son, I am so proud of you! You have worked so hard, and it finally paid off. You are an intelligent young man and can do anything that you put your mind to. I love you unconditionally.

• I love you. It’s amazing how much you have changed my life. You are the best son in the world. Even though I wish you were never hurt in Iraq, I am so proud and thankful that you are ok and alive to enjoy your graduation today! I love you, baby; enjoy this day; we have waited a long time for it to come!

• You are my pride and joy. I can’t believe the amazing young man you have become. You were always so studious and smart, now you have grown into a strong and noble man ready take on the world. I will be there by your side to help you every step of the way.

• Dear son, today’s your big day. I hope you know just how proud I am of you. You have grown from a young boy into a strong man ready to take the world by storm. You have learned so much along the way, and not once have you ever given up or lost sight of your dreams.

• Thanks for the hours of joy and entertainment watching you grow up. You are an amazing person, and I am thankful every day that you are my son!

• I will always be here for you, and I will always love you. I hope you live your life fully and never forget to look up often to look at the millions of stars in the sky. No matter what happens, I will love you forever, my beautiful boy!

• You are an amazing young man! I am so proud to be your mother. You have grown into a wonderful man. You are strong, smart, and kind, and I know you will always make me proud.

• Just wanted to say happy graduation! You’ve made us so proud. We’re happy to see you finish and know that you are so capable of doing anything you set your mind to. Love always, Dad and Mom

• You are my whole world, my sun, my moon, and all of my stars. You make me so happy, honey. You just don’t know. I love you so much! I am so proud to call you my son. Graduation is around the corner, and I am so excited to see you walk across that stage and get your diploma!

• My Son, I never knew how much my life would change the day you were born. You were just a small gift from God. A miracle. I loved you the moment I set my eyes on you and that love is deeper now then ever before.

• Be the change that you wish to see in the world,” one of my all-time favorite quotes and a great thought to live by. I can’t wait to see what changes you are going to make in this big bad world! Congratulations on your graduation, and I honestly can’t wait for the day we see each other again. I love you, son!

• You’ve grown up so fast… I can’t believe you’re graduating high school! You have always been the light of my life. Your smile could outshine any sun on any day. I am beyond proud of everything you have done and choose to do in your life, and I love you more than anything in this world.

• I am so happy to see you graduate today. It fills my heart with so much pride watching you walk across that stage and accept your diploma. I never had the chance to do this, but I am so proud of you. You will always be my little boy no matter what, but it’s a big step in growing up and moving on.

• You are such a smart boy and I am so proud of the man you are becoming. I wish for many things in your life: more happiness than sadness, great relationships, and fun memories! I want to watch as you fall in love with

• You’ve been my heart and the beat of my soul. I’ve seen a lot of things in my 60 years, but I have never seen love as true and sincere as mine for you. You’re beyond smart, beyond talented, beyond perfect – you are mine and I am so proud to call you my son. Love you always. -Mum

• Dear son, I love you and am so proud of the young man you’ve become. I’m not really sure if I can put into words how much I truly love you and how lucky I am to have you as a son, but I’ll try.

• I love you, my little man. I am so proud of the young man you have become. You have turned into a strong, smart, and responsible young kid. You are the best son anyone could ask for. I will always love you!

• This card holds my heart because I wanted to recognize your special day and to tell you how proud I am of you. I pray that you live a full life, with love and laughter, always learning lessons and growing from them. May your future be bright with prosperity.


College Graduation Quotes for Son

• Just wanted to say happy graduation! You’ve made us so proud. We’re happy to see you finish and know that you are so capable of doing anything you set your mind to. Love always, Dad and Mom

• You are my whole world, my sun, my moon, and all of my stars. You make me so happy, honey. You just don’t know. I love you so much! I am so proud to call you my son. Graduation is around the corner and I am so excited to see you walk across that stage and get your diploma!

• My Son, I never knew how much my life would change the day you were born. You were just a small gift from God. A miracle. I loved you the moment I set my eyes on you and that love is deeper now then ever before. You are such a smart boy, and I am so proud of the man you are becoming.

• You’ve been my heart and the beat of my soul. I’ve seen many things in my 60 years, but I have never seen love as true and sincere as mine for you. You’re beyond smart, beyond talented, beyond perfect – you are mine, and I am so proud to call you my son. Love you always. -Mum

• Dear son, I love you and am so proud of the young man you’ve become. I’m not really sure if I can put into words how much I truly love you and how lucky I am to have you as a son, but I’ll try.

• I love you, my little man. I am so proud of the young man you have become. You have turned into a strong, smart, and responsible young kid. You are the best son anyone could ask for. I will always love you!

• This card holds my heart because I wanted to recognize your special day and tell you how proud I am of you. I pray that you live a full life, with love and laughter, always learning lessons and growing from them.

• I can’t believe my little boy is graduating from college! I am so proud of you. You are a kind and brilliant young man. Your mother and I are so happy to have you as our son; You make our lives brighter from day to day.

• You are my pride and joy. I love you more than life itself! The day that you were born into our family, nothing was ever the same again. You are such an amazing boy, and I feel blessed to be able to be your father. Good luck in college son, I am so proud of you !!

• My son, remember that there will be difficult times in life, but they should help you appreciate the good. You are a great son, and I couldn’t be prouder of you. Remember that we are here for you no matter what.

• Son, I am very proud of you! You have worked so hard and kept your head high. I know that you’ll be a great lawyer, an even better husband, and a wonderful father. I love you!

• Love you, my son. Make me proud, and always follow your heart. Life will throw you for a loop at times but always keep working hard to reach your goals. I’m very proud of you!

• Son, you are now leaving our house. You are on your way to a new adventure and a whole lot of fun! I’m so proud of you. I’ve loved watching you grow up and seeing the wonderful young man you have become. Keep your feet on the ground, my baby! And remember how much your parents love you!

• I am so proud of you. I remember holding you in my arms for the first time as you looked up at me with the perfect little eyes. I took you on your first journey around the world and showed you everything there was to see. You have grown into a man that I am in awe of. The future is bright!

• You have changed my life. I never knew what love was until you. Thank you for letting me be in your life, and congratulations on graduating! I know this is only the beginning for you!

• You make me proud every day with just who you are. You fill my heart with joy and light, and you bring so much love into this world that it brightens everyone’s lives. You are the best son anyone could ever ask for! I hope you find your dream job because you are AMAZING at what you do! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

• You know I love you the most, but let me tell you why. You are just as bright and caring as your mother and as strong and kind as your father. You are so much more than what I could ever ask for in a son. Good luck out there in the world; make me proud!

• Thank you for always being the most amazing man I know. You are so smart, strong, kind, and capable. You have done so much in your short life, and I am so proud of you. You make me smile every day and give me joy that even your father can’t. I am forever thankful that we are on this journey together.

Inspirational Quotes for Son Graduating High School

• You are my one and only son. I know you must want to hate me right now. I wish it were different to understand, but all I ask is that you keep an open mind. I’m so proud of you; words can’t describe how happy I am about today and what it means for your future.

• As you go forth to college, let it be your quest to find yourself. This quest will help you become all that you can be. It will also help you become the person, husband, and father you were born to be.

• Oh, how fast you’ve grown! I can’t believe it. It seems just like yesterday that I held you in my arms for the first time. Watching you walk across that stage today will be one of my greatest joys ever, and I am so proud of you. Your future is brighter than the sun, and I know it will hold nothing but happiness. I love you!

• You have always been the brightest star in my sky. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. You are my best friend and will forever be in my heart. No matter what lies ahead, know that I’ll always support and love you. You are going to change the world with your talent and kindness. I love you so much!

• Congratulations on your graduation from High School. I couldn’t be prouder of you or love you more than I do right now. I love you with all my heart and soul!

• You are a gift from heaven above. I love you, Red, with all my heart and soul. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and miss your contagious laugh. The world was blessed the day that you were born. You’re the best kid a mom could ever ask for.

• The love I have for you is boundless. You make my heart sing, and you are the light in my life. There is nothing I can do to repay you for all the love, care, and support you’ve given me. Even when I lose my way and stumble, you pull me back into your arms and hold me tight.

• My only wish is that I will always be here for you when you need it. I love you more than I ever could have imagined!

• Saying thanks will never be enough, but I’ll try. I can’t believe my baby is graduating today. My heart is full of joy and pride. As we walk down this very proud day, just know that you have made me the happiest mother in the world and there is no one in this world that I am prouder to call my son.

• There are no words to express how proud I am of you. You have grown into a remarkable young man, and I am so glad to call you my son. Work hard in college and make me proud! I’ll be right there beside you cheering from the stands… and so will your mom!

• So much time has passed. It feels like a lifetime. But in reality, it’s only been 3 years; to me, it feels like forever! I’m still so proud of everything you have accomplished in life and know you are going to be successful no matter what you do. I love you so much, and I hope your day is filled with fun!!

• Goodbye, goodbye. You are on your way. I am so proud of you, My son. I love you, and I wish you all the best!

• A simple card with all my love, to the boy who always shines no matter what. Words can’t bring you joy, but I want you to know that I am always there for you. You are brave, strong, kind, and thoughtful, and I love watching you grow into the man you will be and seeing all your adventures along the way.

• I am so proud of you. You have worked so hard these past few years, and I cannot wait to see what your future has in store for you. I will support and love you all the way. Set your sights high, accomplish your goals, and know that I will always be there for you no matter what!!!

• You are a gift from God, the most amazing person I know. I am so proud to be your mother. You make me smile every day and my heart so full. Wishing you all the happiness in the world. -Love

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